Tyler man arrested after pointing rifle at family, firing at officers

TYLER – Tyler man arrested after pointing rifle at family, firing at officersA Tyler man was arrested on Saturday after allegedly pointing a rifle at his family and opening fire at officers according to our news partners at KETK. According to Tyler Police Department Public Information Officer Andy Erbaugh, on Saturday at approximately 10:15 p.m. police responded to the 3000 block of Outwood Drive to reports of an aggravated assault. According to police, it was reported that a man identified as Richard Doorman, 48 of Tyler, had pointed a rifle at his wife and child. Officials said that when police arrived Doorman opened fire at the police, but none were hit. Erbaugh said that afterwards the SWAT team and negotiators arrived on the scene and Doorman came peacefully into custody. Doorman has been booked into the Smith County Jail and was charged with two counts of aggravated family violence and 2 counts of aggravated assault of a peace officer.

TxDOT looks to pass off management of TxTag toll

AUSTIN – KUT reports that the Texas Department of Transportation is looking to switch over TxTag’s toll-transaction processing and customer account services to the Harris County Toll Road Authority by the end of the year. TxDOT recommends TxTag customers update their address, vehicle information and credit card information to avoid potential problems. It also advises customers to pay off any overdue bills as soon as possible. TxDOT currently has a $185 million contract with TTEC Government Solutions to provide customer service. That deal is set to expire Nov. 14. If the transition goes forward, current TxTag customers would still be able to use their toll stickers and would not need to get an EZ TAG from the Harris County Toll Road Authority.

But drivers won’t need to use either TxTAG or HCTRA’s EZ Pass. As the CTRMA’s website explains, tolling transponders can be used from a number of different areas, including North Texas, Kansas and Florida. After the transition, customers would manage their accounts through the HCTRA website. Customers would still be able to use any of the TxTag locations in the Austin area for in-person services. Although the HCTRA would collect tolls, TxDOT would continue to be responsible for maintaining its toll roads, including SH 130, SH 45N, SH 45SE and MoPac. TxDOT said it expects the transition to occur in phases beginning at the end of this year, but it could stop the process at any point. It said it would keep customers updated.

Founding dean of UT Tyler’s medical school steps down

TYLER – Founding dean of UT Tyler’s medical school steps downOur news partners at KETK report that last Tuesday, the UT Tyler Dean of the School of Medicine stepped down from his role. Dr. Brigham Willis was the founding dean of the school. He announced his decision to step down on Tuesday and said it was in order to spend more time with his family. Dr. Sue Cox, a leader in medical education that has been with the school of medicine since before it was founded, took over for him as Interim Dean. She previously served as planning dean. She also serves as the executive vice dean of academics and chair of the Department of Medical Education at Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin. “The medical students are thriving, and the future of the School of Medicine is incredibly bright,” according to a statement from UT Tyler.

Police seize over 15 lbs of marijuana during traffic stop

LIVINGSTON – Our news partners at KETK report a 23-year-old was arrested on Saturday after police found more than 15 pounds of marijuana and $9,000 during a traffic stop, the Livingston Police Department said.

According to the police department, officers stopped a car travelling on Highway 59 in Livingston for a vehicle violation.

“During the traffic stop, probable cause was established to search the vehicle,” Livingston PD said.

Officers searched the vehicle and found more than 15 pounds of weed and more than $9,100, the police department said.

The police department said the driver, identified as 23-year-old Christian Ramos, of Lufkin, was taken into custody at the scene without incident.

Ramos was charged for possession of marijuana and is being held at the Polk County Jail under a $15,000 bond.

Going driverless in Texas will take a trip to DMV

HOUSTON – The Houston Chronicle reports that concerned with the possibility of problems ahead as companies ditch drivers for autonomous vehicles, Texas lawmakers are aiming at a light touch — but new requirements — for companies behind driverless cars and trucks. “The state needs to be in a position to step in and have a set of rules,” said state Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee. “But we are not fixing to slip something through here. We are going to have a methodology.” Nichols, with support from other senators, said he expects legislation in the upcoming session will require companies such as Waymo, Cruise and Aurora to inform the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles when they pull drivers from vehicles and allow the vehicles to make solo trips. The DMV would then handle permitting and registration of the vehicles and some oversight of reported problems with the systems. The new regulations, which would require approval from the legislature and Gov. Greg Abbott, would apply only to fleets of driverless cars and trucks, such as those used to ferry trailers of goods or small robotaxis carrying people.

The rules and registration would not apply to privately owned autonomous vehicles. That exclusion is important to the industry, which is nearing — albeit slowly — sales of private self-driving cars and small trucks, said Nick Steingart, director of state affairs for the Alliance of Automotive Innovation. Nichols and other lawmakers began talks over the summer with companies involved in autonomous vehicle development. The aim, he said, was to not rewrite or change trucking and paid ride rules, but integrate driverless vehicles into those rules. Federal officials, meanwhile, govern the technology and the safety requirements related to the industry. Nichols said the state must have a system that responds to issues related to the driverless vehicles and maintain that the companies are using Texas’ roads safely without stifling innovation. “The industry is already working with us, we do not want to disrupt that,” Nichols said. Texas lawmakers in 2017 approved rules for autonomous vehicles, largely to get ahead of cities in the state setting their own rules. Following the debate over ride hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft — wherein the state superseded city and county rules that attempted to regulate the companies similar to cab companies, which the companies fought — state leaders opted to get ahead with driverless cars. Rather than leave the changing technology and its regulations to cities, state lawmakers stepped in.

Two Trinity County residents arrested for drugs

TRINITY COUNTY – Two Trinity County residents arrested for drugsOur news partners at KETK report that a passerby’s glance of a man taking out what looked like marijuana plants incited a search where methamphetamine was also found at the residence, the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office said. According to Trinity County Sheriff Woody Wallace, two residents received felony charges on Wednesday after a passerby saw the man taking his marijuana plants out “for some sunshine.” bThe sheriff’s office said, when deputies arrived they had enough probable cause for a search warrant. Authorities said a search of the residence led to the seizure of meth and the discovery that the house was also occupied by small children. The Trinity County residents arrested are now facing two felony charges for possession of a controlled substance and child endangerment, Wallace said.

Latest effort to block school ratings

AUSTIN (AP) – A legal effort to block Texas from releasing school performance ratings has created a divide between district leaders who worry the scores are an inaccurate representation of their work and others who say parents need that information to make choices about their kids’ schooling.

A coalition of about 30 school districts recently sued the Texas Education Agency over the introduction of a computer system to grade the state’s standardized tests, which are used to calculate part of Texas schools’ performance rating. The year before, school districts filed a similar lawsuit arguing that the agency had raised too fast a benchmark that also goes into their score. Judges out of Travis County have sided with the school districts in both cases, ordering temporary injunctions that have kept the TEA from releasing the ratings for two consecutive school years.

The latest lawsuit has been met with wariness from some school leaders, a marked shift from when more than a 100 districts saddled up for the first suit to create a unified front against the TEA.

While the state’s hands have been tied from releasing ratings this year, some school districts in Bexar, Dallas, El Paso and Harris counties have voluntarily released their own campuses’ forecast scores. One board trustee out of Midland’s school district unsuccessfully filed a petition with the court to intervene in the lawsuit, saying time and money were wasted on standardized testing if the public could not access school performance ratings.

“If I’m going to put billboards up and I’m going to put up a fancy website promoting our academic programs or early college high school programs, I believe I owe it to that same community, those same parents, (to) put out scores,” said Xavier de la Torre, the superintendent of the Ysleta school district in El Paso.

The TEA grades every public and charter school in the state on an A-F scale. A failing grade can trigger state sanctions and it can lead the TEA to take over a district in the worst cases. Poor scores can also push families to leave the district and, since schools get money from the state based on enrollment, could lead to less funds.

Some school leaders criticized the automated computer system used to grade the statewide standardized test this year, saying a third party should have reviewed the tool before it was rolled out. They believe statewide drops in reading scores were due to errors with the system and would result in an unfair school rating.

School leaders also said they didn’t get enough notice when TEA introduced stricter expectations for how schools show they’re preparing students for life after graduation. High schools can now only get an “A” rating if 88% of their seniors enrolled in college, pursued a non-college career or entered the military, up from 60%.

Bobby Ott, the superintendent of Temple’s school district, said he never saw the changes to the career readiness benchmarks coming.

“It wasn’t even a target we could prepare for, and that was just completely uncalled for,” he said. “In no real-time situation do you measure progress improvement by doing a ‘ready, fire, aim’ approach. There’s no system built like that … There’s no chance to build to that goal.”

But critics question if back-to-back lawsuits are the best means to raise concerns about the changes. Families have now gone five years without a full picture of how their schools are doing. Texas did not release school ratings in 2020 or 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic; in 2022, Texas lawmakers ordered the state to only release A-C ratings.

Ott agreed a legal fight wasn’t the ideal way to settle disputes with the changes but he said lawmakers left districts no choice because they haven’t addressed their concerns.

The Dallas Independent School District was among the districts that joined in on the first lawsuit. A year later, it was one of the first to voluntarily release their own ratings.

“We’re all being held to that same calculation. So the fact that (the state’s rating system) is imperfect does not mean that we shouldn’t measure it at all,” said Dallas ISD Superintendent Stephanie Elizalde. “I feel like I owe it to our community, and, frankly, to the state of Texas to say, ‘here is where we are.’”

Elizalde said her district joined the first lawsuit because she wanted one more year to understand the new college and career readiness benchmarks before they went into effect. Now that that year had come and passed, Elizalde said her district needed to be transparent about its rating so her team could set performance goals — even if she does share some of the same computer scoring concerns listed in the latest lawsuit.

“If I don’t talk about where we are now, how can I explain how we’re improving?” she said.

Dallas ISD expects to get a C rating this year, a drop from the B it earned in the 2021-22 school year.

Parents lean on A-F scores to understand how their local schools are performing and, if they have the resources, they can use that information to make decisions about where to send their kids to school.

In the El Paso area, school districts in that region are open enrollment, which means families can apply to enroll their child in any school within the district regardless of where they live. The Ysleta, Socorro and El Paso school districts all released their ratings so parents could make informed decisions.

Charter schools leaders say they also benefit from having that information out in the open since many parents find them after assessing local public schools and removing their kids when they are dissatisfied.

“If parents and communities don’t understand the levels of performance of the schools in their neighborhoods … across a state standardized metric, then parents are left in the dark,” said Jeff Cottrill, the superintendent of IDEA Public Schools, Texas’ largest charter school.

The fissures forming between district leaders over the A-F accountability system come as next year’s legislative session looms near. Lawmakers are expected to propose new school voucher legislation, which would let families use taxpayer dollars to pay for their children’s private schooling. Districts are also expected to ask for a raise in the base amount of dollars they get per student after five years of no increases.

Elizalde in Dallas worries that withholding information about public schools’ performance might weaken their ask.

“We know we’re going to be asking for funding for schools. Am I really in the position to say our schools need funding, but I don’t want to tell you how we’re doing? It didn’t sit right with me.”

When asked about how he expects the lawsuit to impact superintendents’ legislative requests, Ott said he hopes the lawsuit will be a catalyst for overhauling the A-F system altogether.

Families in his district have lost trust in the standardized testing system, Ott said. Instead, they want school ratings to measure if schools are safe as well as the experience and tenure of teachers, he added.

“There should be accountability and transparency,” he said. “But they have to be good, solid systems that people can trust and have credibility. And that’s the problem right now. It’s an antiquated system.”

Zavalla issues boil water notice

Zavalla issues boil water noticeZAVALLA – The City of Zavalla’s public water system has issued a boil water notice as they try to locate a leak in a water main. Zavalla ISD said that school is cancelled on Monday because of the impacted water supply. According to our news partner KETK, the area between the GUI well near the Coleman’s store at State Highways 167 and 63 and into Zavalla is currently under the boil water notice. Affected residents should bring any water for cleaning or consumption to a vigorous rolling boil for at least two minutes before use. Bottled water can also be used if boiling isn’t possible. Continue reading Zavalla issues boil water notice

Trump’s goal of mass deportations fell short. But he has new plans for a second term

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Donald Trump has long pledged to deport millions of people, but he’s bringing more specifics to his current bid for the White House: invoking wartime powers, relying on like-minded governors and using the military.

Trump’s record as president shows a vast gulf between his ambitions and the legal, fiscal and political realities of mass deportations of people in the United States illegally — 11 million in January 2022, by the Homeland Security Department’s latest estimate. Former President Barack Obama carried out 432,000 deportations in 2013, the highest annual total since records were kept.

Deportations under Trump never topped 350,000. But he and his chief immigration policy architect, Stephen Miller, have offered clues in interviews and rallies of taking a different approach if they are returned to power in November. They could benefit from lessons learned during their of four years in office and, potentially, from more Trump-appointed judges.

“What Trump seems to be contemplating is potentially lawful,” said Joseph Nunn, counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law. “There might not be a lot of legal barriers. It is going to be logistically extraordinarily complicated and difficult. The military is not going to like doing it and they are going to drag their feet as much as they can, but it is possible, so it should be taken seriously.”

The Trump campaign, asked how his pledge would be carried out, said Trump would begin the largest deportation program in U.S. history, without elaborating in detail. Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman, said Trump “would marshal every federal and state power necessary to institute the largest deportation operation of illegal criminals, drug dealers, and human traffickers.”

How would Trump overcome inevitable legal challenges?

Trump has said he would invoke the Alien Enemies Act, a 1798 law that allows the president to deport any noncitizen from a country that the U.S. is at war with.

Texas Gov, Greg Abbott has advanced a theory that illegal immigration amounts to an invasion to justify state enforcement measures, so far without success, but legal scholars say judges may be reluctant to second-guess what a president considers a foreign aggression.

The sweeping Alien Enemies Act authority may sidestep a law that bans the military from civilian law enforcement.

Trump has said he would focus on deploying the National Guard, whose troops can be activated on orders of a governor. Miller says troops under sympathetic Republican governors would send troops to nearby states that refuse to participate.

“The Alabama National Guard is going to arrest illegal aliens in Alabama and the Virginia National Guard in Virginia. And if you’re going to go into an unfriendly state like Maryland, well, there would just be Virginia doing the arrest in Maryland, right, very close, very nearby,” Miller said last year on “The Charlie Kirk Show.”

The military has been peripherally involved at the border since President George W. Bush’s administration with activities that are not deemed to be law enforcement, such as surveillance, vehicle maintenance and installing concertina wire.

Nunn, of New York University’s Brennan Center, said Trump may look to 2020, when he ordered the National Guard to disperse peaceful Black Lives Matter protests near the White House, despite the mayor’s opposition. Trump did so without invoking the 18th-century war powers law, but the District of Columbia’s federal status gives the president outsized authority to act.

Trump may also contend with rights afforded under immigration law and court rulings that took shape after 1798, including a right to seek asylum that became law in 1980. Under a 2001 Supreme Court ruling, people in the country illegally can’t be detained indefinitely if there is no reasonable chance their countries will take them back. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and others are either slow to accept their citizens or refuse.

How would Trump pay for this?

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is funded by Congress for 41,500 detention beds this year, raising questions about where Trump would house people before they board deportation flights and how long they could hold them if countries refuse to take them back. Miller floated the idea of “large-scale staging grounds near the border, most likely in Texas.”

ICE officers are painstakingly deliberate, researching backgrounds of their targets and prioritizing people with criminal convictions. They try to capture suspects outside their homes because they generally work without court warrants and people don’t have to let them inside.

A single arrest may require hours of surveillance and research, a job that one ICE official likened to watching paint dry.

“On practical level, it will be nearly impossible for (Trump) to do the things he’s talking about, even if could bring in the military,” said John Sandweg, a senior Homeland Security Department official in the Obama administration.

Obama’s deportation numbers were made possible by local police who turned people over to ICE, but many state and local governments have since introduced limits on cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Obama’s presidency also predated a surge of asylum-seekers at the border, which drained limited resources of the Trump and Biden administrations.

How would a mass deportation drive fare politically?

While many support Trump’s plans, mass deportation could tear apart families, exacerbate labor shortages and uproot people with deep ties to their communities. Pew Research Center estimates 70% of households with at least one person in the United States illegally also have someone in the country legally.

Military leaders are likely to resist because it would undercut other priorities and damage morale, Nunn said.

“The military is going see this and say this is not the kind of duty that soldiers signed up for,” he said. “This is getting the military involved in domestic politics in a way the military doesn’t like to do.”

Adam Goodman, associate professor of history and Latin American studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago, who has written about deportations, said a threat of a mass expulsion can have a serious impact even if it isn’t carried out. He thinks it is highly unlikely that Trump can do what he promises but it can strike fear in immigrant communities.

In June 2019, Trump announced ICE would “begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens” the following week. A month later, the agency said it targeted about 2,100 people, resulting in 35 arrests, indicating the president’s plans fell far short but only after they generated widespread concern in immigrant communities.

Trump himself acknowledged the political perils during an interview Sunday with journalist Sharyl Attkisson. “You put one wrong person onto a bus or onto an airplane and your radical left lunatics will try and make it sound like it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened,” Trump said, before repeating his pledge: “But we’re getting the criminals out. And we’re going to do that fast.”

Woman reported missing found dead near Canton

Woman reported missing found dead near CantonVAN ZANDT COUNTY — A 62-year-old woman reported missing September 19 has been found dead. According to our news partner KETK, the Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office said that Lisa Adams was found dead during a search performed by law enforcement on Saturday. According to the sheriff’s office, the Adams’ body was found in a field west of Canton near Highway 243. Justice of the Peace, Don Ashlock, has ordered an autopsy to determine how Adams died.

Officials said she was reported missing on Thursday, Sept. 19 but was last seen in the area of Canton on Sept. 12. Continue reading Woman reported missing found dead near Canton

Adult passenger of child driver arrested after alcohol, drugs found

Adult passenger of child driver arrested after alcohol, drugs foundRUSK COUNTY — A woman was arrested on Saturday after deputies found her to be the passenger of a 12-year-old behind the wheel during a traffic stop, the Rusk County Sheriff’s Office said. According to the sheriff’s office and our news partner KETK, around 11 p.m. deputies stopped a vehicle on County Road 201 for reckless driving.

“During the traffic investigation a 12-year-old juvenile was found to be operating the motor vehicle with an adult later identified as Holly Riehl, 39 of Henderson, seated in the front passenger seat,” officials said.

The child was found on top of a cushion and jacket to better see over the vehicle’s steering wheel, the sheriff’s office said. The sheriff’s office said Riehl was found in possession of an open alcohol container and deputies observed as she attempted to discard a plastic bag of cocaine. Rusk County Child Protective Services was called and the child was released at the scene to a family member, the sheriff’s office said. Continue reading Adult passenger of child driver arrested after alcohol, drugs found

Former police captain awarded millions in verdict against city

Former police captain awarded millions in verdict against cityQUTIMAN  – Former Quitman Police Department captain Terry Bevill won a $21.35 million verdict in his wrongful termination lawsuit against the City of Quitman on Thursday. According to our news partner KETK, a press release from Bevill’s representatives shows Bevill filed the suit against four elected officials, David Dobbs, who served as Mayor of Quitman in 2017, Tom Castloo, the former Wood County Sheriff, Jim Wheeler, former district attorney and Jeff Fletcher, a former state district court judge for Wood County.

Bevill’s lawsuit alleged he was wrongfully fired in 2017 for submitting an affidavit stating that he believed Wood County couldn’t be a fair place to have the trial of David McGee, a Wood County jail administrator who was allegedly arrested for trying to get an inmate, who he was reportedly sexually involved with, released by tampering with government records. Continue reading Former police captain awarded millions in verdict against city