Thursday March 27, 2025
Question: Who was the first US president to install a telephone in the Oval Office?
Answer: Herbert Hoover
Winner: No Winner
Wednesday March 26, 2025
Question: What term is used for a cluster of chain of islands?
Answer: Archipeligo
Winner: Larry Jowell, Tyler
Tuesday March 25, 2025
Question: What is the oldest state park in Texas?
Answer: Mother Neff State Park
Winner: Matt Wicks, Longview
Monday March 24, 2025
Question: What was the first movie ever released on DVD?
Answer: Twister
Winner: James Lowe, Jacksonville
Friday March 21, 2025
Question: What US city was home to the very first rock and roll concert?
Answer: Cleveland
Winner: Nancy Bateman, Arp
Thursday March 20, 2025
Question: The formula E=mc2 is associated with which famous scientist?
Answer: Albert Einstein
Winner: David Whitehurst, Longview
Wednesday March 19, 2025
Question: What country i s home to an island called Vulcan Point?
Answer: Philippines
Winner: Michelle Hagler, Gilmer
Tuesday March 18, 2025
Question: An old metal desk sites on top of a ridge outside of which Texas college town?
Answer: Alpine
Winner: Bryan Cobb, Diana
Monday March 17, 2025
Question: Who holds the record for the most Oscars for Best Director?
Answer: John Ford
Winner: Tim Peterson, Tyler
Friday March 14, 2025
Question: What diminutive mythical Irish character is know for his pranks and his wealth?
Answer: Leprechaun
Winner: David Gano, Lindale
Thursday March 13, 2025
Question: TV commericals in the 70s and 80s told us “nothing beats a great pair of ???”?
Answer: L’eggs
Winner: Sunny Whitaker, Tyler
Wednesday March 12, 2025
Question: What is the only sea with no land boundaries?
Answer: Sargasso Sea
Winner: Kendal Crittenden, Gilmer
Tuesday March 11, 2025
Question: What colorful tune is often called the unofficial state song of Texas?
Answer: Yellow Rose of Texas
Winner: Jason McCrary, Tyler
Monday March 10, 2025
Question: What was the first animated feature film in the US?
Answer: Snow White and 7 Dwarfs
Winner: No Winner
Friday March 7, 2025
Question: A common idiom refers to what flower to say that something has lost its charm?
Answer: Rose
Winner: James Moran, Whitehouse
Thursday March 6, 2025
Question: What famous newsman ended his broadcasts with the phrase “that’s the way it is”?
Answer: Walter Cronkite
Winner: David Ledkins, Hawkins
Wednesday March 5, 2025
Question: Which nation is said to have a special relationship with the US?
Answer: Great Britain
Winner: Steve Anderson, Winona
Tuesday March 4, 2025
Question: Which small town has a replica of Stonehenge know as Stonehenge II?
Answer: Ingram
Winner: No winner
Monday March 3, 2025
Question: What 1962 movie told the story of Helen Keller and her teacher?
Answer: The Miracle Worker
Winner: Melanie Whitton, Longview
Friday February 28, 2025
Question: Which actor appeared in both the MASH movie and series?
Answer: Gary Burghoff
Winner: Tinley Harris, Whitehouse
Thursday February 27, 2025
Question: What song won the only-ever Grammy for best disco recording?
Answer: I Will Survive
Winner: Thomas Harrison, Tyler
Wednesday February 26, 2025
Question: The island of Corregidor is part of what nation?
Answer: Philippines
Winner: Aaron Shaw, Gilmer
Tuesday February 25, 2025
Question: Which small Texas town is home to the Trump Burger?
Answer: Bellville
Winner: Cindy Graves, Tyler
Monday February 24, 2025
Question: What 1944 movie made a teenage Liz Taylor famous?
Answer: National Velvet
Winner: Patty Long, Tyler
Friday February 21, 2025
Question: According to the 70s commercial sometimes you feel like a nut – what candy bar would you reach for?
Answer: Almond Joy
Winner: Perry Troiano, Kilgore
Thursday February 20, 2025
Question: Which major US airport was named after a WWII flying ace?
Answer: O’Hare
Winner: Steven Melton, Longview
Wednesday February 19, 2025
Question: What national currency is the global “reserve currency”?
Answer: US dollar
Winner: Natalie Walker, Tyler
Tuesday February 18, 2025
Question: How many time zones does Texas have?
Answer: 2
Winner: Bob Hamilton, Longview
Monday February 17, 2025
Question: What 1976 film starred Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange with a giant co-star?
Answer: King Kong
Winner: James Byrd, Tyler
Friday February 14, 2025
Question: What Asian sounding phrase is slang for enthusiastic?
Answer: Gung-ho
Winner: Chris Chappa, Hawkins
Thursday February 13, 2025
Question: Which brand of chair is named for the behavior it encourages?
Answer: La-Z-Boy
Winner: Natalie Rocker, Flint
Wednesday February 12, 2025
Question: In which German town can you find the streets with no name?
Answer: Mannheim
Winner: Catherine, Svessko, Flint
Tuesday February 11, 2025
Question: Which town near the DFW metroplex is named after mythological love goddess?
Answer: Venus
Winner: Mike Wright, Whitehouse
Monday February 10, 2025
Question: What 1970s disaster film featured a blimp attacking the Super Bowl?
Answer: Black Sunday
Winner: Richard Adams, Rusk
Friday February 7, 2025
Question: In 1978 a group named after the classical elements sang about a month- what month?
Answer: September
Winner: Sarah Laughlin, Brownsboro
Thursday February 6, 2025
Question: Who was the longest reigning queen in world history?
Answer: Elizabeth II
Winner: Zack White, Hawkins
Wednesday February 5, 2025
Question: Which US national park has a zone of death where can get away with murder?
Answer: Yellowstone
Winner: Annabell Johnson, Hideaway
Tuesday February 4, 2025
Question: The end of which war established the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas?
Answer: Mexican-American
Winner: Kyle Wilson, Whitehouse
Monday February 3, 2025
Question: What actor played Buddy Holly in the 1978 film about the singer?
Answer: Gary Busey
Winner: Staten Grave, Tyler
Friday January 31, 2025
Question: What flat, sticky candy can give you new “dad jokes”?
Answer: Laffy Taffy
Winner: Jack Clephas, Longview
Thursday January 30, 2025
Question: What small Japanese sportscar was known for its rotary engine?
Answer: RX-7
Winner: Brandy Chatfield, Longview
Wednesday January 29, 2025
Question: Which nation has a capital named Sofia?
Answer: Bulgaria
Winner: Jenny Creswell, Gilmer
Tuesday January 28, 2025
Question: Which Texas city is home to the Buddy Holly Center?
Answer: Lubbock
Winner: Chet Thomas, Hideaway
Monday January 27, 2025
Question: After Butch & Sundance, what other film co-starred Robert Redford and Paul Newman?
Answer: The Sting
Winner: Robbie Albright, Gilmer
Friday January 24, 2025
Question: American beer drinkers consume the beverage most from what type of vessel?
Answer: Aluminum can
Winner: Richard Townsend, Arp
Thursday January 23, 2025
Question: What .45 caliber handgun was issued by the US military for 75 years?
Answer: M1911 (Colt 1911)
Winner: Mike Terry, Jacksonville
Wednesday January 22, 2025
Question: The world’s tallest waterfall is in what country?
Answer: Venezuela
Winner: Gene Merriman, Longview
Tuesday January 21, 2025
Question: What Texas town is home of the Chicken Fried Steak Festival?
Answer: Lamesa, Texas
Winner: Tricia Harper, Rusk
Monday January 20, 2025
Question: Which 1968 sci-fi movie featured a manned spacecraft controlled by AI?
Answer: 2001 A Space Odysessy
Winner: Tom Shaffer, LaRue
Friday January 17, 2025
Question: If you were lost in a 1950s TV show, what shaggy dog might bring helpers to your rescue?
Answer: Lassie
Winner: Cindy Graves, Tyler
Thursday January 16, 2025
Question: In literature, what “ingenious gentleman” hailed from a town called La Mancha?
Answer: Don Quixote
Winner: Curtis Wilson, Chandler
Wednesday January 15, 2025
Question: In New York, which river is on the Manhattan’s west side?
Answer: Hudson
Winner: Ty Ford, Winnsboro
Tuesday January 14, 2025
Question: The last remaining Republic of Texas Boundary marker sits on our border with which state?
Answer: Louisiana
Winner: Rick Boone, Flint
Monday January 13, 2025
Question: Which 1981 film paired English actor Dudley Moore with Liza Minnelli?
Answer: Authur
Winner: John Moore, Whitehouse
Friday January 10, 2025
Question: If you cross a decisive change, you are metaphorically crossing what river?
Answer: Rubicon
Winner: Jody Garner, Longview
Thursday January 9, 2025
Question: What is the Apple corporations most successful product?
Answer: iPhone
Winner: Jerry Giles, Hideaway
Wednesday January 8, 2025
Question: Which nation is home to the coldest town on earth?
Answer: Russia
Winner: Wesley Vance, Tyler
Tuesday January 7, 2025
Question: What sport included teams like the Dallas Bluebonnets and the Ft Worth Shamrocks?
Answer: Women’s Football
Winner: Tony Baker, Troup
Monday January 6, 2025
Question: Which film classic features an angel who helps a clergyman with his marriage?
Answer: The Bishop’s Wife
Winner: Aaron Shaw, Gilmer
Friday January 3, 2025
Question: Which classic sitcom included the catch phrase “kiss my grits”?
Answer: Alice
Winner: Marcie Newson, Tyler
Thursday January 2, 2025
Question: According ro his 80s hit song, what speed could Sammy Hagar not drive?
Answer: 55
Winner: Michael Wilson, Big Sandy
Tuesday December 31, 2024
Question: What is the state bird of Texas?
Answer: Northern Mockingbird
Winner: James Marrs, Jacksonville
Monday December 30, 2024
Question: What song is the centerpiece of the 1942 classic film Casablanca?
Answer: As Time Goes By
Winner: Mike Oglesby, Tyler
Friday December 27, 2024
Question: Which candy bar did Hershey advertise by asking “what do you call it”?
Answer: Whatchamacallit
Winner: Mitchell Graham, Tyler
Thursday December 26, 2024
Question: What holiday as an alternative to Christmas is celebrated by some African Americans?
Answer: Kwanza
Winner: Nathan Lee, Tyler
Tuesday December 24, 2024
Question: Assuming his usual westward direction of travel which Texas city will Santa visit last?
Answer: El Paso
Winner: Jason McCrary, Tyler
Monday December 23, 2024
Question: What’s the family name of the main characters in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”?
Answer: The Griswolds
Winner: Stayton Graves, Tyler
Friday December 20, 2024
Question: Which Apollo space mission included a special Christmas eve message from the astronauts?
Answer: Apollo 8
Winner: Tripp Harris, Whitehouse
Thursday December 19, 2024
Question: Which classic Christmas book begins with the phrase “Marley was dead”?
Answer: A Christmas Carol
Winner: John Christian, Tyler
Wednesday December 18, 2024
Question: Which US state has a city named Snowflake?
Answer: Arizona
Winner: Debbie Grissin, Jacksonville
Tuesday December 17, 2024
Question: Which Tex-Mex food item has become a holiday tradition in Texas?
Answer: Tamales
Winner: Zach White, Hawkins
Monday December 16, 2024
Question: Which classic film features the only actor to ever win an Oscar for playing Santa Claus?
Answer: Miracle on 34th Street
Winner: Leonna Lemmel, Overton
Friday December 13, 2024
Question: Which US president made Christmas a national holiday?
Answer: US Grant
Winner: Melanie Whitton, Longview
Thursday December 12, 2024
Question: What modern Christmas movie includes a remake of the song “Love is all Around”?
Answer: Love Actually
Winner: No Winner
Wednesday December 11, 2024
Question: The Sami people of northern Europe are herders of what type of animal?
Answer: Reindeer
Winner: Zachary Isaacks, Arp
Tuesday December 10, 2024
Question: Which Christmas plant has Texas connections and dubious pronunciation?
Answer: Poinsettia
Winner: Bob Hamilton, Longview
Monday December 9, 2024
Question: What book does the angel Clarence have with him in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
Answer: Tom Sawyer
Winner: Kendal Crittendan, Gilmer
Friday December 6, 2024
Question: How many reindeer are named in the poem “Twas the NIght Before Christmas?
Answer: Eight
Winner: Larry Jowell, Tyler
Thursday December 5, 2024
Question: What creamy drink is the most linked to the Christmas holiday?
Answer: Eggnog
Winner: Jeff Hamilton, Diana
Wednesday December 4, 2024
Question: The original St Nick was born in what modern country?
Answer: Turkey
Winner: Elisha Baskerville, Tyler
Tuesday December 3, 2024
Question: Which Metroplex city shares its name with a type of Christmas decoration?
Answer: Garland
Winner: Kevin Brawley, Tyler
Monday December 2, 2024
Question: Which Christmas movie features bad guys call the Wet Bandits?
Answer: Home Alone
Winner: Chuck Brawner, Tyler
Friday November 29, 2024
Question: What was the first commercially successful video game?
Answer: Pong
Winner: Wesley Vance, Tyler
Wednesday November 27, 2024
Question: Which is the only US state with 2 panhandles?
Answer: West Virginia
Winner: Betty Atchley, Bullard
Tuesday November 26, 2024
Question: Which Texas town has a statue of Old Yeller?
Answer: Mason, Texas
Winner: Steve Anderson, Winona
Monday November 25, 2024
Question: Who’s the main character of animated specials that use this music (Theme from the Peanuts)?
Answer: Charlie Brown
Winner: Patty Long, Tyler
Friday November 22, 2024
Question: What movie was the first to be released in the US on DVD?
Answer: Twister
Winner: Ken Poppelwell, Bullard
Thursday November 21, 2024
Question: Which TV character’s shooting became a cultural phenomenon in the 80s?
Answer: JR Ewing
Winner: Gene Merriman, Longview
Wednesday November 20, 2024
Question: We commonly refer to the Republic of China by what name?
Answer: Taiwan
Winner: Robbie Albright, Gilmer
Tuesday November 19, 2024
Question: In which Texas town will you find a pecan pie vending machine?
Answer: Cedar Creek
Winner: Anna Johnson, Hideaway
Monday November 18, 2024
Question: What 80s film from the producers of Star Wars brought animated dinosaurs to the screen?
Answer: The Land Before Time
Winner: Randall Jackson, Tyler
Friday November 15, 2024
Question: What kind of confetti-covered parade is New York famous for?
Answer: Ticker tape parade
Winner: Michael McDonald, Jacksonville
Thursday November 14, 2024
Question: What great American novel opens with the phrase “call me Ishmael”?
Answer: Moby Dick
Winner: David Ermis, Tyler
Wednesday November 13, 2024
Question: What are the two landlocked countries in South America?
Answer: Bolivia and Paraguay
Winner: Gary Hooker, Gun Barrel City
Tuesday November 12, 2024
Question: Which Texas town is home to the Baker Hotel?
Answer: Mineral Wells
Winner: Chris Chappa, Hawkins
Monday November 11, 2024
Question: What war is associated with the Glenn Miller song “Moonlight Serenade”?
Answer: WWII
Winner: Ronnie Davis, Tyler
Friday November 08, 2024
Question: What is the name of the metal device at the shoe store that measures your feet?
Answer: Brannock device
Winner: Sam Ford, Tyler
Thursday November 07, 2024
Question: Which actor is known as the “King of Cool”?
Answer: Steve McQueen
Winner: Teresa Kenney, Henderson
Wednesday November 06, 2024
Question: The nation of Mauritania is part of which continent?
Answer: Africa
Winner: Aaron Shaw, Gilmer
Tuesday November 05, 2024
Question: What is the oldest city in Texas?
Answer: Nacogdoches
Winner: Mike Wright, Whitehouse
Monday November 04, 2024
Question: What movie was Oprah Winfrey’s film debut?
Answer: The Color Purple
Winner: Gayla Trouse, Lindale
Friday November 02, 2024
Question: Strozzapreti, fusilli, ziti and bowtie are all types of what?
Answer: Pasta
Winner: Susan Berkhouse, Whitehouse
Thursday October 31, 2024
Question: What document is considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation?
Answer: 95 Theses
Winner: Laurel Maynard, Lindale
Wednesday October 30, 2024
Question: Which international border is affectionately known as The Slash?
Answer: US-Canada
Winner: Jack Clephas, Tyler
Tuesday October 29, 2024
Question: Which Texas city is home to the world’s longest car wash?
Answer: Katy
Winner: No Winner
Monday October 28, 2024
Question: What is the most streamed Halloween song?
Answer: Monster Mash
Winner: Trey Casper, Tyler
Friday October 25, 2024
Question: How many times have the Dodgers beaten the Yankees in the World Series?
Answer: 3
Winner: Bobby Oglesby, Tyler
Thursday October 24, 2024
Question: In what year was the first photo of the earth taken?
Answer: 1946
Winner: No Winner!
Wednesday October 23, 2024
Question: Which country is home to the longest straight road?
Answer: Saudi Arabia
Winner: Ben Swain, Flint
Tuesday October 22, 2024
Question: Which Texas town is home to the world’s largest branding iron?
Answer: Vega
Winner: No Winner!
Monday October 21, 2024
Question: Which 90s film features 3 witches resurrected by the lighting of special candle?
Answer: Hocus Pocus
Winner: Manuel Rivera, Tyler
Friday October 18, 2024
Question: What is the official name of the hashtag symbol?
Answer: Octothorpe
Winner: Darlene Boatman, Tyler
Thursday October 17, 2024
Question: Of what crime was Al Capone convicted of?
Answer: Tax Invasion
Winner: Benjamin Fair, Longview
Wednesday October 16, 2024
Question: What country occupies most of North Korea, northern border?
Answer: China
Winner: Dr. Lieberman, Tyler
Tuesday October 15, 2024
Question: What is the smallest state park in Texas?
Answer: Old Tunnel State Park
Winner: Debbie Griffin, Jacksonville
Monday October 14, 2024
Question: In the classic 80s movie, they were cute and furry but you didn’t want to get them wet – what were they?
Answer: Gremlins
Winner: Stacy Oglesby, Tyler
Friday October 11, 2024
Question: Rock group The Romantics heard your secrets when you were doing what?
Answer: Talking in your sleep
Winner: Dan Forby, Tyler
Thursday October 10, 2024
Question: Which country did Kennedy refer to as “that imprisoned country”?
Answer: Cuba
Winner: Jody Garner, Longview
Wednesday October 9, 2024
Question: The Kalahari Desert covers about 70 percent of which African country?
Answer: Botswana
Winner: Michael Wilson, Big Sandy
Tuesday October 8, 2024
Question: Which Texas city is home to the “lone grave”?
Answer: Hearne
Winner: Stan Martin, Flint
Monday October 7, 2024
Question: Which actor voiced the charaters in the most Pixar animated movies?
Answer: John Ratzenberger
Winner: Angy Gordon, Lindale
Friday October 4, 2024
Question: In the 70s and 80s a product called Wisk fought what nagging laundry problem?
Answer: Ring Around the Collar
Winner: Perry Groiano, Kilgore