Dallas Cowboy escorts local student at cancer fundraiser

Dallas Cowboy escorts local student at cancer fundraiserBROWNSBORO — A Brownsboro elementary student was selected to be a model at the 34th annual Children’s Cancer Fund’s gala and she was escorted by Cowboys Quarterback Dak Prescott. According to our news partner KETK, Brownsboro Elementary School student, Cami, was selected to be a model at the fundraising gala that took place on April 19 in Dallas.

“We are so thrilled she was able to participate in such an amazing fundraiser, and are so very proud of our little bear! You looked beautiful Cami!” – Brownsboro ISD

The Cowboys said that Prescott as well as Troy Aikman teamed up with the Children’s Cancer Fund as honorary chairs for the gala. The Cowboys also announced that the gala raised over $2 million for children’s cancer research.

“Together, we raised an extraordinary $2.7 million for pediatric cancer research” – Children’s Cancer Fund and Dak Prescott

$46,000 in forged checks; six arrests

,000 in forged checks; six arrests TYLER – Arrest records show that six people have been arrested after they reportedly tried to cash forged checks totaling $46,161. According to our news partner KETK, an arrest warrant for Tony Lee Head alleges that, between March 31 and April 2, he passed a forged check to Brookshire’s that said it was from Integrity Turf Management or Integrity Tree Care & Landscape.

According to Head’s arrest affidavit, the company did not authorize that check or any of $46,161 in forged checks addressed to Tony Lee Head (pictured left), Jessica Carmon Henderson, Dale Forbus Reynolds, Howard Bowen, Kevin Ray Eddins and Lizabeth Marie Arnold.

A Tyler PD detective who was investigating the check forgery case said the case started when Henderson was employed by Integrity Turf Management (ITM) as an accountant for about a month. Henderson reportedly was given access to the business’s Intuit QuickBooks and all of their financials. Continue reading $46,000 in forged checks; six arrests

Palestine man arrested , 12 pounds of drugs seized

Palestine man arrested , 12 pounds of drugs seizedPALESTINE – Palestine police apprehended a man with a variety of drugs Saturday. According to our news partner KETK, arrested was 35 year-old Daniel Cummings III, of Palestine. Cummings was stopped late Saturday morning at Woodside Village Apartments. Officers had announced there were complaints that Cummings was dealing drugs. When police arrived with a search warrant they found about 12 pounds of illegal drugs. Officers seized about eight pounds of suspected methamphetamine, around four pounds of marijuana and nearly 14 grams of Xanax along with $1,300 in cash.

Palestine Police Chief Mark Harcrow said in a release, “Because of the great work by these officers, a large amount of dope is off our streets. I commend these officers for their thorough investigation and a job well done.”

Cummings is now at the Anderson County Jail and charged with manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance, abandoning or endangering a child and violation of a protective order.

Third person charged in Ron Horaney murder

Third person named in Ron Horaney murderLONGVIEW – Three people are now charged in 2016 murder of promenent Longview businessman Ron Horaney. According to our news partner KETK, the Gregg County Sheriff’s Office announced Monday that 26-year-old Rene Paul Garcia Jr., has been charged in connection to the slaying. Garcia is currently is in a federal penitentiary. He is the half brother of 38-year-old Alfredo Lizcano, who was arrested Wednesday, April 24 and charged with the murder of Horaney. He has a $10 million bond. The other person arrested was 87-year-old Reza Kamali of Longview. Kamali’s bond was set at $7.5 million.

At a press conference held Monday, sheriff’s office investigators say they received information from a “Cooperating Individual” who reported being contacted by someone they identified as “Ray Kamali,” who authorities identified as being Reza Kamali. Cooperating Individual 1 told investigators that two years prior to their interview in June of 2016, Kamali solicited him to murder Horaney. The Cooperating Individual then reported that Kamali wanted Horaney “killed up close and personal because of a family dispute.”

Ron Horaney was found dead in his home from multiple gunshots on May 30, 2016. Horaney’s Feed Stores in Longview and Marshall were one of the oldest family-owned businesses. His grandfather, Harry Horaney, founded the business in 1940.

Marshall 13-year-old dead after weekend shooting

MARSHALL – Marshall 13-year-old dead after weekend shootingAuthorities in Marshall said they are investigating a homicide after a 13-year-old died from gunshot wounds on Sunday according to our news partners at KETK. According to police, multiple gunshots were reported in the 1100 block of Sanford Street around 2:22 a.m. on Sunday with callers stating “about 20 to 30 shots were fired.” A 13-year-old boy was found at the scene critically injured, and authorities said CPR was immediately given. The teen was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries later that afternoon. “It is believed that this incident stemmed from an earlier confrontation on Olive Street,” officials with police said. Continue reading Marshall 13-year-old dead after weekend shooting

Lightning causes fire at Tyler Dairy Queen

Tyler Dairy Queen caught on fire after lightning strikeTYLER – The Tyler Fire Marshal’s Office said that a Dairy Queen near The Village at Cumberland Park in Tyler was struck by lightning on Sunday. According to our news partner KETK, the fire from the strike didn’t burn that much of the building but firefighters did have to tear out part of the ceiling inside the fast-food restaurant to check for fire. No injuries were reported from the fire and lightning strike. The Dairy Queen will have to be closed for at least a couple of days for repairs, according to the fire marshal’s office.

Eclipse visitors boosted economy

UT Tyler study finds eclipse visitors boosted economyTYLER — According to our news partner KETK, a recent study from the University of Texas at Tyler found the economic impact the solar eclipse had in the City of Tyler. The total solar eclipse was observed in Tyler on April 8 and the Hibbs Institute for Business & Economic Research released a study that found visitors brought in about $7.7 million.

According to the study, researchers estimated the economic impact of visitors and their expenditures during the solar eclipse weekend including dining, entertainment and shopping at retail stores. The influx of tourists was anticipated several weeks beforehand, allowing hotels to considerably raise their rates for the event weekend, which had been fully booked. The study found that booked hotels brought in about $1 million and the calculated visitor spending during those days was $6.7 million. However the study did not take into account locals who joined the visitors and their estimated expenditures.

For a full breakdown of the study including the methodology, people can visit the current edition of the Hibbs Briefs.

Wardens seize $100K+ of equipment at bass tournament

Wardens seize 0K+ of equipment at bass tournamentTYLER – According to our news partner KETK, the Texas Game Wardens said that their Marine Theft Investigation Unit seized over $100,000 of equipment at the Sealy Big Bass Splash Tournament last weekend. The Marine Theft Unit reportedly patrolled the tournament for two days and inspected 300 boats, 243 motors and 100 trailers in that time. San Augustine, Sabine, Angelina, Jasper, Tyler and Nacogdoches County Game Wardens helped the unit inspect the boats which were attending what Texas Game Wardens said is the largest amateur fishing tournament in the state.

Smith County parking garage began Monday

Smith County park garage begins next phase MondayTYLER — City of Tyler officials said in release Friday, the next step in construction of the Smith County parking garage began Monday, April 29. For about 3 weeks, a portion of East Ferguson Street, from Center Avenue to Spring Avenue, will be closed due to the construction.

Visitors to the Annex Building, the Elections Office, Constable Precinct 1 Office and Animal Shelter can park in the large former juror parking lot off of Ferguson Street. There will only be one entrance/exit to the lot, across from the Animal Shelter off Center Avenue. Pedestrians coming to the Annex from the parking lot, including employees and visitors, will have to take a detour route to the Annex. There are white arrows painted on the ground showing pedestrians the way to go.

Smith County Judge Neal Franklin said in regards to the construction, “We appreciate all of the patience and understanding shown by our employees and visitors. We understand these parking temporary changes are difficult, but we are excited about how great the parking garage will be when it is completed.”

The construction of the 540+ parking space garage is expected to be completed in September.

Tyler drug drop off Saturday

Tyler drug drop off SaturdayTYLER — On Saturday, April 27th the Tyler Police Department along with the Drug Enforcement Agency will be hosting a Drug Drop Off. It will be at the Brookshire’s on Rice Road between 10am and 2pm. The public can anonymously drop off their unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications as well as tablets, capsules, patches and other solid forms of prescription drugs, free of charge. Liquids (including intravenous solutions), syringes and other sharps, and illegal drugs will not be accepted.

Gilmer Police seizes black tar heroin, guns, over $2K

Gilmer Police seizes black tar heroin, guns, over KGILMER – The Gilmer Police Department said they seized guns, drugs and cash while executing a search warrant on Thursday. Our news partner KETK is reporting that the Gilmer PD executed a search warrant at a residence which allegedly housed two known drug dealers in Upshur County at around 6 a.m. on Thursday. While searching the home Gilmer PD officers reportedly found two guns, $2,269 and 36 grams of black tar heroin. A request for more information was not immediately fulfilled by Gilmer PD. We will continue to update as more info becomes available.