Lindale News & Times closing doors after 124 years

Lindale News & Times closing doors after 124 yearsLINDALE – The Lindale News & Times recently announced that the newspaper is closing down after 124 years of covering the area. According to our news partner KETK, the paper’s publisher says that the paper lost money for five years straight before it was decided to shut it down.

Jim Bardwell, the paper’s publisher, said that much of the advertising for Lindale’s small businesses has moved into print magazines and social media platforms like Facebook. Decline in local news outlets is accelerating despite efforts to help. The shift to online advertising led the paper to launch a digital version which ended up having more subscribers than their physical newspapers but even that wasn’t enough, according to Bardwell.

“That’s why we also have a digital version of the paper each week. And we have many digital subscribers. Actually many more than print subscribers. The cost is the same, but they get their news much quicker. But again – no ad revenue means no newspaper,” said Bardwell.

Any Lindale News & Times subscribers who would like a refund for the remaining time on their subscriptions are asked to email with their name, address and phone number.

Hawkins ISD superintendent arrested for DUI

Hawkins ISD superintendent arrested for DUIHAWKINS – Hawkins ISD Superintendent Susan Morton was arrested for driving while intoxicated in La Marque, Texas on Aug. 23. According to our news partner KETK, Morton was arrested by the La Marque Police Department after a “minor accident” which happened in the 2400 block of Gulf Freeway at around 7:49 p.m. in La Marque. According to a La Marque PD arrest report, there were three vehicles involved in the crash a 2005 Ford Explorer, a 2018 Kia Forte and Morton’s 2023 Ford F-150.

Morton was then booked into the Galveston County Jail for charges of driving while intoxicated and collision involving damage to a vehicle less than $200.

Hawkins ISD Board President Blake Warren released the following statement when asked about Morton’s arrest: “Due to state confidentiality laws, Hawkins ISD cannot comment on this personnel matter or release any information at this time.”

Morton was still listed as Superintendent of Schools on Hawkins ISD’s website, as of Thursday evening.

Millions of seniors can’t afford their prescription medications: Study

Trevor Williams/Getty Images

(NEW YORK) -- Millions of American seniors are having a hard time affording their prescription medications, a new National Health Statistics report suggests.

The study, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that approximately 4% of those aged 65 and older can't afford their prescription at all, and more than 3% of them skipped doses, delayed filling a prescription or took less medication than prescribed to cut back on costs.

"Older adults that were food insecure were six times more likely to not get their prescription medication," Robin A. Cohen, study co-author and statistician with the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, said.

Dr. Lalita Abhyankar, a family medicine physician based in San Francisco, told ABC News she often sees patients struggling to pay for their medications.

One of Abhyankar's patients with diabetes couldn't afford his monthly dose of insulin, so "he would ration out his insulin," she said. Despite being on both Medicaid and Medicare, "the copay was challenging for him to do on a month-to-month basis," she noted.

Abhyankar has also seen this problem when patients needed an expensive medication because cheaper alternatives haven't worked.

"I've seen them do half a dose or take it once a day instead of the recommended twice or three times a day and then continue to walk around with uncontrolled high blood pressure," Abhyankar said. "That increases their risk of stroke, heart attack, damage to the eyes and kidneys."

She went on, "The downstream effects are going to be that we're going to see more patients in hospitals, and emergency rooms. That puts a huge burden on the healthcare system."

Generally, adults aged 65 and older qualify for universal health care under Medicare. That covers medical needs such as doctors' visits and hospital stays.

Medications aren't automatically included. Older adults must enroll in Medicare Part D, a separate prescription drug coverage plan, or a private insurance plan that helps pay for medications.

Even when they are covered, most Americans will still owe some amount for copays and premiums. When the expenses pile up, some choose to forego any coverage at all.

Abhyankar said there are ways to reduce the cost of prescriptions including websites such as GoodRx that can offer coupons for customers sometimes at lower prices. Another option is the online discount pharmacy Cost Plus Drugs, which has hundreds of medications available for purchase at lower prices.

Abhyankar also suggested that patients try insurance preferred pharmacy programs, which are pharmacies that have an agreement with an insurance plan to charge less to fill prescriptions.

Last month, the Biden administration announced an agreement with drug companies to lower the price of 10 prescription medications for people with Medicare Part D. The negotiated prices will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2026.

Roshan Nebhrajani Bransden, MD, is a family medicine resident physician and a member of the ABC News Medical Unit.

Copyright © 2024, ABC Audio. All rights reserved.

Don’t be confused about Nov 5.

There is confusion as to what is on the ballot on November 5. Note that I said, “what,” and not, “who.”

That’s because it’s really not about “who.”

Boiled all the way down, this is not a contest between Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump. It’s not even a contest between two political parties. And it goes well beyond such things as tax policy, fiscal policy and national defense.

The 2024 election is a contest between two governing visions for this 235-year-old republic – two governing visions that have seldom in our history been more divergent.

On the one hand, you have the governing vision that animated the Founding Fathers. That vision is one of a government that is tightly circumscribed. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was at times highly contentious. The Founders at various times during that sweltering summer in Philadelphia argued bitterly. But the arguments sprang from a commonly held conviction. The Founders were unanimous in their belief that government by its very nature tends toward tyranny and that government is, therefore, no better than a necessary evil.

Our founding documents – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – were both written by men who understood that when humans are given power over other humans, that power will be abused. So, they sought to give government only the bare minimum power necessary to defend the peace, support the currency and act as an impartial referee in the conduct of commerce.

Our founding documents fairly scream with distrust of concentrated power. The three co-equal branches of our federal government about which you and I learned in high school but about which a distressing number of college students know little today, exist for the express purpose of limiting each other and thereby limiting the reach and power of government.

Our Founders – who suffered the tyrannies large and small of a far-away King George III – sought to push government downward and away from centralization. It is easier to hold to account a locally elected constable or alderman that it is to hold to account a far-off potentate.

That concern about a potentate is why, when you read your Constitutional history, you find that the Founders struggled most with Article II of the Constitution – the presidency – than they did with any of the six other articles.

The grand vision of our Founders – as it is embodied in our Constitution – is that the federal government should have only a small impact on daily life. Their vision was that free citizens of sovereign states would be at maximum liberty to order their lives and arrange their affairs as they, themselves, believed to be best.

The Founders also believed that with respect to the power of government, the closer to home it is kept the easier it is to keep that power in check. That belief animated every discussion that involved any surrender of rights by the 13 original individual states.

That’s the vision in which I believe and it’s the vision that animates small-government Republicans. It is the vision that led President Trump in his first term to aggressively eliminate regulations that have piled up over decades of the federal government being allowed to grow beyond the bounds of the original intent of the framers of the Constitution.

That’s one side of the ballot.

The other side of the ballot, the one embraced by a rapidly increasing proportion of Democrats, seeks to bring about the perfection of society via top-down control. It’s a governing vision in which a relatively small cabal of elite and enlightened “experts” exercises extensive control over the daily lives of less enlightened citizens via the mechanisms of extensive legislation and regulation overseen by a sprawling federal bureaucracy.

That governing vision has the federal government dictating for our own good how, when and from whom we obtain our health care. It has the government dictating how many and what kind of vehicles we may drive and where we may drive them. It has the government possessed of the capacity to set our thermostats from afar to control our use of energy in our homes.

Speaking of homes, it is the ultimate vision of many big-government progressives that we abandon the conceit of individual ownership of spacious homes on spacious lots of our own choosing. Instead, we are to adopt collectivist living in concentrated government-planned and managed housing located close to city centers.

By concentrating us in close, government-overseen housing, we might more easily be coerced out of our private vehicles. Statist progressives want us walking to work, walking to the store, and walking our kids to school. Where walking isn’t practical, we are to use public transit. All this so that our use of private vehicles might be reduced or outright eliminated.

The governing vision of far-left progressives is that the federal government will have power over us down to what and how much we eat. An example of this can already be seen in the progressive-led jihad on beef and cattle ranching that has been underway for years.

Total control of public education is at the very heart of the leftist governing vision. Government as envisioned by the statists on the left will dictate to us what our children may be taught in the schools that we pay for and, equally important, what may not be taught in those schools. Parental input regarding the education of children will be neither sought nor suffered. In the perfect world of big-government progressives, private education will be done away with altogether so that the government might have ultimate control of what our children are taught and what they grow up believing.

This governing vision of education dovetails into a statist belief that rather than having the primary say as to how we raise our children, we should instead be de facto agents of the government in that endeavor.

These are the governing visions of the other side of the ballot.

Which means that rather than just choosing between two candidates, we are instead at an inflection point in our political history.

Not in yours and my lifetimes have the two parties been more divergent in what they believe and what they intend to do if elected.

For most of my life, Democrats and Republicans have largely agreed on the big things. We have largely agreed on our basic freedoms. We have largely agreed that America is basically good. We have largely agreed that the best way to raise children is in a household containing a man and a woman with a lifetime commitment to one another via marriage.

We have largely agreed that the government should stay out of our business.

We have largely agreed on the need for a strong, vibrant and capable military with a primary mission of deterring the ambitions of bad guys around the world.

We have largely agreed that men and women as created by God are fundamentally different and that those differences are intended by God to complement one another.

For most of our lives, Democrats and Republicans may have disagreed as to the what the preacher was trying to say in the sermon, but they nevertheless all sang from the same hymnal.

That is now coming undone.

Kamala Harris is the product of a Democratic Party that has gone far, far to the left. To understand what that means in practical terms, you need only look at the physical, spiritual and moral breakdown in major American cities like San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and others under their current Democratic Party leaders.

So, this election season, don’t be confused even as people try to confuse you.

You’re not choosing between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Each of them is merely a proxy. The real contest is between the original vision of the drafters of our Constitution; and a vision of our nation as informed by the writings and beliefs of the likes of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky.

So, don’t get hung up on Kamala Harris’s idiotic ramblings or her stupid cackle. Don’t get hung up on Donald Trump’s “mean tweets” and verbal wild pitches.

It’s about choosing between the country of freedom and individual liberty that we inherited from our parents and grandparents, or a country administered by a small group of elites exercising top-down control over every aspect of our lives.

It’s certainly not about how either candidate makes you “feel.”

Bridge demolition to cause Canton I-20 lanes to temporarily close

VAN ZANDT COUNTY –Bridge demolition to cause Canton I-20 lanes to temporarily close A bridge demolition will cause all I-20 lanes at FM 859 near Canton to close over the weekend, TxDOT said. According to TxDOT, the demolition is expected to begin on Saturday night and end Sunday morning. “Traffic will be diverted to the frontage roads using the FM 859 exit ramps, which will travel past FM 859 and re-enter I-20 using the FM 859 entrance ramps. Motorists should use caution when traveling through the work zone and expect delays,” TxDOT said in a statement. In place of the existing bridge that is set to be demolished, TxDOT said a new bridge is expected to be completed by March 2025.

Halliburton offers further glimpse into August computer hack

HOUSTON – The Houston Chronicle reports that Halliburton, the Houston-based oilfield services giant, disclosed a few more details about the computer hack it suffered in late August. In a Sept. 3 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Halliburton confirmed that some corporate information had been taken from its computer systems, though it did not go into detail about the nature or subject of the purloined data. “The incident has caused disruptions and limitation of access to portions of the Company’s business applications supporting aspects of the Company’s operations and corporate functions,” it said in the filing. “The Company believes the unauthorized third party accessed and exfiltrated information from the Company’s systems. The Company is evaluating the nature and scope of the information, and what notifications are required.”

The company confirmed earlier reporting of the attack in a Aug. 21 SEC filing and said it had notified authorities of the breach. “When the Company learned of the issue, the Company activated its cybersecurity response plan and launched an investigation internally with the support of external advisors to assess and remediate the unauthorized activity,” it said. “The Company’s response efforts included proactively taking certain systems offline to help protect them and notifying law enforcement. The Company’s ongoing investigation and response include restoration of its systems and assessment of materiality.” A source of the breach has not been identified. While the company said it had incurred expenses related to the attack, it said in the most recent filing that the incident “has not had, and is not reasonably likely to have, a material impact on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.”

Texas would need $81.5 billion a year to end property taxes

Texas would have to spend tens of billions of dollars to get rid of the state’s property taxes, state budget officials said Wednesday — a reality check on some conservatives who want to end them once and for all.

Republican lawmakers have been on a yearslong push to bring down the state’s property taxes, among the highest in the nation. Some Texas conservatives have long dreamt of getting rid of at least some property taxes altogether — an idea others have criticized as unrealistic given the gargantuan cost of doing so. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a skeptic of doing away with property taxes, tasked lawmakers earlier this year with tallying the cost.

Now, lawmakers have those figures in hand. Getting rid of all property taxes collected by school districts would have cost the state $39.5 billion in tax year 2023, figures presented to the Texas Senate Finance Committee by the Legislative Budget Board show. School property taxes, which pay for costs like teacher salaries and new facilities, represent the largest chunk of a property owner’s tax bill.

AUSTIN (AP) – In addition, the state would have had to shell out another $42 billion to cover the property taxes collected by cities, counties and special taxing districts last year. All told, the state would have had to spend $81.5 billion to completely eliminate all local property taxes. That’s more than half of the $144 billion that lawmakers allocated for Texas’ current two-year budget.

Spending that much money on tax cuts would significantly hamper the state’s ability to pay for other costs and would likely require a significant sales tax hike, lawmakers said Wednesday. There appeared to be little appetite among committee members to do so.

“This is not something that you can find $81 billion on a per-year basis and not have a major impact on the remaining sales tax rates, because that is a huge amount of money to be able to replicate,” said state Sen. Paul Bettencourt, a Houston Republican and Patrick’s chief lieutenant on property taxes.

Texas doesn’t levy its own property tax. Instead, cities, counties, school districts and special taxing entities collect property taxes. Property tax bills have climbed over much of the last decade as the state’s economy boomed and property values and tax rates rose.

To try to rein in rising property tax bills, state lawmakers have spent billions of dollars and put tighter limits on how much more in property taxes school districts and local governments can collect. Last year, legislators approved a $12.7 billion package consisting of targeted tax breaks for homeowners and money for school districts to drive down how much they collect from property owners. For homeowners, those efforts appear to be working.

The amount of property taxes school districts collected fell by nearly 10% between 2022 and 2023, according to figures provided by the Texas Comptroller’s office. Total property tax collections, however, fell less than 1% in that time frame, driven by a 10.3% increase in the amount of property taxes collected by cities, counties and special taxing districts.

The state’s top Republicans have signaled they’re not done slashing property taxes. Patrick, the leader of the Texas Senate, and House Speaker Dade Phelan each tasked legislators in their chambers with exploring more cuts before they reconvene in Austin for next year’s legislative session. Gov. Greg Abbott said earlier this year that the Legislature should continue to hammer away at property taxes “until we get rid of the school property tax rate here in the state of Texas.”

Doing away with the property tax rate that pays for school districts’ maintenance and operations has long been a dream among some Texas conservatives, but proposals to do so have been dead on arrival in the Legislature. Still, some conservative thinkers contend the state should chip away at property taxes over time until they’re eliminated.

“Property taxes are not just a financial burden,” said Vance Ginn, a conservative economist who runs his own economic consulting firm. “They are fundamentally immoral.”

Even if lawmakers had an appetite for doing away with property taxes, finding the money to make up for that revenue would be difficult.

Texas doesn’t have an income tax, and outside of the property tax, the state relies heavily on sales taxes to pay for government services. Thus, getting rid of the property tax would likely require a significant hike in the sales tax — an idea that has proven highly unpopular in the past. Texas would have to more than double its sales tax rate to eliminate all property taxes, a recent analysis by the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association found.

Sales taxes are also a more volatile way to fund the government because they’re more vulnerable to economic downturns and shifts in consumer spending. The burden of paying sales tax falls harder on lower-income households because sales taxes make up a higher share of their income than they do for households higher up the income ladder.

“Hitting low- and middle-income Texas families with this dramatically higher rate would seriously damage both their household budgets and the state economy as a whole,” Shannon Halbrook, a fiscal analyst at the left-leaning Every Texan, told lawmakers Wednesday.

University of Austin enters its first academic year

AUSTIN – The publication Inside Higher Ed reports the University of Austin, a new higher ed institution founded by high-profile conservative figures, officially welcomed its inaugural class on Monday. The university, sometimes referred to as UATX, markets itself as an institution born out of alarm over the “rising tide of illiberalism and censoriousness prevalent in America’s universities” and says it is committed to “the pursuit of truth.” In his speech at convocation, President Pano Kanelos, who formerly served as president of St. John’s College, described the university’s 92-student cohort as “pioneers.”

“As I look across this room, I do not see students or faculty or staff or loved ones,” Kanelos said. “I see a room filled with the courageous, the bold, with pioneers, with heroes. I see a room filled with those who have said, emphatically, ‘We will not accept passively what we have been handed, the givens are not good enough, we will create anew.’” “We have come together, all of us, as founders,” he added. Provost Jacob Howland told students in his opening remarks that launching the university involved trekking through “rough terrain.” The university is not accredited but received approval from the state of Texas to grant degrees, which allowed it to begin accepting applications last November. Students can earn a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies with a concentration in one of the fields offered by the university’s “centers of academic inquiry,” which include STEM, arts and letters, and economics, politics and history. The university currently employs about 20 faculty members, with no tenure system. Tuition is $32,000 per year. On convocation day, students met with Governor Greg Abbott at the Texas state capitol. Then, in a hotel ballroom near campus, students decked out in dark-blue robes each signed the register to officially enroll, receiving a copy of The Odyssey, Kanelos told Inside Higher Ed. He said the incoming class comes from at least two dozen states. And some of the students are familiar faces from high school programs UATX ran in various cities—including Austin, Los Angeles, Denver, Miami and Washington—before the university’s launch, according to the website.

Shortlist for where the Texas Water Fund’s $1 billion could go first

AUSTIN – KXAN reports voters went to the polls last November and overwhelmingly supported creation of the Texas Water Fund, a pot of money totaling $1 billion meant for water infrastructure improvements across the state. In the months since then, the state’s water agency has worked to narrow down who could dip into it first. Last month the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) agreed on a shortlist of 66 projects in smaller, more rural systems that could get the initial awards for projects aimed at shoring up water conservation and cutting down water loss. Jeremy Mazur, a senior policy advisor on infrastructure and natural resources for the nonprofit Texas 2036, said it’s especially important for the state to focus on those efforts.

“When we look at the data about water loss from our water and wastewater systems in Texas, it’s astounding,” Mazur said. “Texas loses about 570,000 acre feet per year due to leaking pipes. Now, for comparison, this is about enough water to fill up Lake Buchanan here in Central Texas once every year, so we know if we want to solve the water supply solution in the long run, we really need to focus on fixing those leaks and stopping that water loss.” One proposal on that initial shortlist is located about an hour east of Austin in the small community of Lexington in Lee County. According to state records, the town is seeking more than $1.3 million for a smart metering system. The TWDB reported in August that top-ranked projects would get invitations to submit full applications for funding, so it’s unclear right now whether the state would award Lexington either a grant or loans to help. Mazur said the billion allocated to the Texas Water Fund is a “drop in the bucket” of what state lawmakers need to invest moving forward, estimating that Texas has a long-term water infrastructure funding need exceeding $150 billion over the next 50 years.

UT Tyler ranked among America’s Best Colleges by Wall Street Journal

TYLER – UT Tyler ranked among America’s Best Colleges by Wall Street JournalThe University of Texas at Tyler is ranked in the top 500 nationwide by the Wall Street Journal as noted on the publication’s America’s Best Colleges for 2025 list. The ranking aims to guide prospective students across the nation while recognizing the colleges doing an outstanding job in higher education. Continue reading UT Tyler ranked among America’s Best Colleges by Wall Street Journal

Cruz defends jobs record as Allred slams vote against CHIPS Act

HOUSTON – The Houston Chronicle reports while U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz insists he will keep fighting for jobs and economic growth in Texas if reelected in November, Democratic rival Colin Allred keeps hammering him over one key vote that he says proves otherwise. In 2022, Cruz voted against fellow Texas Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn’s microchip manufacturing legislation that is set to inject more than $60 billion in funding into Texas to build new plants and potentially make the state home to a national research center for semiconductors. “We have a Senator in Ted Cruz who opposed that,” Allred, a Dallas congressman, said last week during a campaign stop in Austin. “He thinks it is more important to play politics than to do what is good for our state.”

During a campaign stop in San Antonio on Tuesday touting his job creation record, Cruz acknowledged he voted against the bill but explained it was because it was structured to give billions of dollars in incentives to giant corporations to build in Texas — something he philosophically believes is bad politics. In April, Samsung received $6.4 billion from the program to build an advanced manufacturing center in Taylor just outside of Austin that is expected to create 17,000 construction jobs and 4,500 manufacturing jobs. Cruz didn’t criticize that project or other recent awards in North Texas directly, but said generally subsidy programs are dangerous. He pointed to 2009, when President Barack Obama’s administration awarded a $535 million loan guarantee to a California-based solar panel construction company that went bankrupt just three years later.

Student arrested after loaded gun found on campus

Student arrested after loaded gun found on campusPANOLA COUNTY — An East Texas student was arrested on Wednesday after a loaded .38 caliber handgun was found in their vehicle in the school’s parking lot, according to the Panola County Sheriff’s Office.The sheriff’s office said Panola Charter High School notified them at around 9:30 a.m. that a firearm was found in a students vehicle on campus. Deputies say the 17-year-old student was overheard talking about having a gun in his vehicle.

“During a subsequent search by school staff, a loaded .38 caliber handgun was recovered,” according to the report from the sheriff’s office.

The sheriff’s office said the student was taken into custody for possession of a firearm in a prohibited location and was taken to the Panola County Detention Center. ‘We have no reason to believe that this incident was related to any school-related threat,” PCSO said. “Upon review of the situation we have no reason to believe that any specific student or campus was targeted.” Continue reading Student arrested after loaded gun found on campus

Verizon buying Frontier in $20B deal to strengthen its fiber network

DALLAS (AP) – Verizon is buying Frontier Communications in a $20 billion deal to strengthen its fiber network.

Verizon Communications Inc. said Thursday that the transaction will also help it in the areas of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

Frontier has concentrated heavily on its fiber network capabilities over about four years, investing $4.1 billion upgrading and expanding its fiber network. It now gets more than half of its revenue from fiber products.

The price tag for Frontier, based in Dallas, is sizeable given its 2.2 million fiber subscribers across 25 states. Verizon has approximately 7.4 million Fios connections in nine states and Washington, D.C.

Frontier has 7.2 million fiber locations and has plans to build out an additional 2.8 million fiber locations by the end of 2026.

“The acquisition of Frontier is a strategic fit,” Verizon Chairman and CEO Hans Vestberg said in a prepared statement. “It will build on Verizon’s two decades of leadership at the forefront of fiber and is an opportunity to become more competitive in more markets throughout the United States, enhancing our ability to deliver premium offerings to millions more customers across a combined fiber network.”

Verizon, based in New York City, will pay $38.50 for each Frontier share. The deal is expected to close in about 18 months. It still needs approval from Frontier shareholders.

Shares of Frontier Communications Parents Inc., which were halted briefly on Wednesday after a report from the Wall Street Journal about the deal sent the stock up nearly 40%, fell 9% before the market opened on Thursday. Verizon’s stock rose slightly.

How much radiation Starliner astronauts may have been exposed to while waiting to come home

ATU Images/Getty Images

(NEW YORK) -- As two NASA astronauts gear up for a months-long unplanned stay on the International Space Station (ISS), they may also be increasing their risk of radiation exposure.

Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita "Suni" Williams, who performed the first crewed test flight of Boeing's Starliner, took off on June 5 and were only supposed to be in space for about one week.

However, several problems have arisen with the spacecraft, pushing their return to February 2025 aboard Space X's Crew-9 Dragon spacecraft.

Space radiation is different from radiation experienced on Earth. It's made up of three kinds of radiation: particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field, particles from solar flares and galactic cosmic rays, NASA said.

Earth is surrounded by a system of magnetic fields, called the magnetosphere, that protects people from harmful space radiation. However, the higher a person is in altitude, the higher the dose of radiation they are exposed to.

"It's an order of normal magnitude," Dr. Stanton Gerson, dean of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, told ABC News. "As you move [into] the atmosphere, you have increased radiation exposure."

Due to prolonged exposure, astronauts can be at significant risk for radiation sickness and have a higher lifetime risk of cancer, central nervous system effects and degenerative diseases, according to NASA.

"In low earth orbit where the ISS is, astronauts are at least partially protected by the magnetosphere that protects Earth from the radiation exposure of deep space," Dr. Rihana Bokhari, acting chief scientific officer at Baylor College of Medicine's Translational Research Institute for Space Health, told ABC News.

"However, they do have a greater radiation exposure than those on Earth because the ISS passes through areas of trapped radiation in their orbit," she continued. "Butch and Suni, since they are on the ISS, will not be exposed to enough radiation to seriously cause large impacts on body systems but the long duration exposure to greater radiation than on Earth could lead to an increase in the risk of cancer."

Crews aboard the ISS receive an average of 80 mSv to 160 mSv during a six-month stay, according to a 2017 NASA report. Millisieverts (mSv) are units of measurement for how much radiation has been absorbed by the body.

Although the type of radiation is different, 1 mSv of space radiation is roughly the same as receiving three chest X-rays, the federal space agency said.

By comparison, a person on Earth receives an average of 2 mSv every year from just background radiation, NASA said.

Gerson said it's fair to take the NASA estimates and cut them in half. This means for a three-month stay, the astronauts have a cumulative average risk of receiving 40 mSv to 80 mSv.

What's harder to determine is the episodic risk from factors including solar flares, he said.

"There's spike risks because there's episodic waves of solar radiation and deep space ionic radiation that come through the magnetic field, and luckily Earth has a strong magnetic field that blocks a lot of that," Gerson said. "If you're on the other side of the moon, you don't have that."

Gerson added that NASA has done a good job of checking up on astronauts after they return to Earth as the agency and other researchers have learned more about how radiation affects the body and what signs to look for.

Copyright © 2024, ABC Audio. All rights reserved.

Officials identify three in connection to overdose death of minor

Officials identify three in connection to overdose death of minorHOPKINS COUNTY – Three suspects have been identified in connection to the overdose death of a 16-year-old girl, the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office said. According to our news partner KETK, a death investigation began on July 17 when a 16-year-old girl reportedly overdosed. “The toxicology report showed a newer synthetic drug found in her blood stream called N-Pyrrolidino Protonitazene,” the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office said. “This drug is 25 times more potent than fentanyl.”

According to the release, they were able to identify the person who supplied the pills to the victim.

“At this time three suspects have been identified and the investigation is still ongoing,” the sheriff’s office said.