TYLER — Here’s a quick look at events and work planned in the Tyler District of the Texas Department of Transportation.
KILGORE — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to make spot pavement and base repairs in various locations on U.S. Highway 259 Business in Kilgore. Crews will also be sweeping the bridges and overpasses on SH 31 between Longview and the Kilgore Bypass, and the bridges and overpasses on the bypass. Daytime lane closures will be in effect while the work is in progress. Motorists are encouraged to be prepared to reduce speed and merge in and around the work zone.
HENDERSON COUNTY — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to begin pavement repair operations on State Highway 31 between Trinidad and Malakoff, followed later in the week by the same work on SH 31 Business and State Highway 19 Business in downtown Athens. Daytime lane closures will be in effect while the work is in progress, and flaggers will control traffic.
WOOD COUNTY — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to be at work on the following roadways in and around Wood County:
*Farm Road 69 north of Farm Road 515 in Coke;
*Farm Road 778 between State Highway 37 in Quitman and US 80;
*Farm Road 2966 north of Quitman; and
*Farm Road 49 east of Farm Road 14.
Daytime lane closures will be in effect in each location while the work is in progress, and flaggers will control traffic in two-lane areas.
RUSK COUNTY — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to continue resurfacing operations on State Highway 42 between Farm Road 13 in Price and Farm Road 1513 near New London. Daytime lane closures will be in effect while the work is in progress, and flaggers will control traffic.
VAN ZANDT COUNTY — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to make base repairs on Farm Road 859 north of Farm Road 1395. Daytime lane closures will be in effect while the work is in progress, and flaggers will control traffic.
CHEROKEE COUNTY — Texas Department of Transportation maintenance crews this week are scheduled to begin several weeks of edge repairs in various locations on U.S. Highway 175 between Jacksonville and Poynor. Daytime lane closures will be in effect while the work is in progress, and flaggers will control traffic in two-lane areas.