Tyler Ammonia Leak

Hazmat WorkersTYLER — Roads in a small portion of Tyler were closed for a while Wednesday night following an ammonia leak. The leak near Oakwood and Palace Streets was reported just before 6:15pm. The leak was at Tyler Public Warehouse which uses ammonia for their refrigerator system. The leak was repaired and just over an hour later the area was reopened to traffic.

Man Sentenced for Dealing Meth

Meth LabTYLER — A Tyler man is heading to federal prison for drug violations. Juan Prieto Retano, 20, pleaded guilty last November to possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. He was sentenced Wednesday to 87 months in federal prison by U.S. District Judge Leonard E. Davis. Retano also agreed to a forfeiture judgment of $50,000.

According to information presented in court, since July 2004, Retano was part of a drug conspiracy ring distributing methamphetamine to others in the Longview area. A federal grand jury returned a 17-count indictment in February 2009, charging 19 individuals, including Retano, with federal drug trafficking crimes.

July 4 Fan Drive

Salvation ArmyTYLER — Here’s a way to enjoy the 4th of July — and help your neighbors in need at the same time. This July 4th the Tyler Jaycees will be organizing a day of festivities and night of fireworks for the 47th time. This year, you can can bring a box fan to donate to The Salvation Army on location at Lindsey Park (12557 Spur 364 W). Admission is $10 a carload, gates open at 4:00pm, and fireworks will begin at dark. Entertainment will include games, music, and special performances from The Salvation Army Texas Youth Music Conservatory. Last summer, The Salvation Army in Tyler gave out over 800 fans and this summer is expecting to give out at least 1,500.

Smith County Issues Disaster Declaration

TYLER — Smith County Judge Joel Baker has issued a “Declaration of Disaster” due to excessive amounts of rainfall that occurred June 9-10. “The recent storms and flooding have taken a toll on Smith County residents. The road situations in Smith County have been affected to the extent that some homes have limited access due to impassable roads,” Baker said. Officials say County Roads 1113, 1130, 1131 and 1141 will remain closed for a prolonged period of time.

“Declaring a local disaster allows Smith County to begin the process of applying for reimbursement funds for damaged roads and bridges from the Texas Department of Rural Affairs,” Smith County Emergency Services Coordinator Jim Seaton said. The Smith County Fire Marshall’s Office is reporting $174,350 of damage to county roadways. Officials say the Smith County Road and Bridge department is working to repair water damaged roads as quickly as possible. You’re asked to continue to seek alternate routes around flood damaged roads and notify the Road and Bridge department of any hazardous conditions at 903-590-4801.

Men Guilty of Child Porn

TYLER – Two east Texas men have pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography. The pleas came Wednesday in Tyler before U.S. Magistrate Judith Guthrie. According to information presented in court, Sterling William Blade, 36, of Longview, was arrested Feb. 26 for failing to register as a sex offender. Blade had been previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a juvenile in 1995 in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, and was required to register with local authorities as a sex offender.

During the arrest, officers located Blade’s cell phone and received consent to search the phone. An analysis of the phone revealed that Blade had received several text messages with photo attachments containing child pornography. The search ultimately revealed that Blade had received 34 pictures of child pornography, and likely distributed those images via text messaging. Officers later located two DVDs in Blade’s home, which contained videos of child pornography. Some of the material depicted children less than 12 years of age engaged in sadistic or masochistic conduct. Blade was indicted by a federal grand jury on Apr. 7.

Authorities also say Ronnie Ben Chappell, 55, of Kilgore, consented last Dec. 12 to a search of his laptop computer after being identified as having used his credit card to purchase child pornography over the Internet. An analysis of the computer revealed approximately 75 images of child pornography, some of which depicted children less than 12 years of age engaged in sadistic or masochistic conduct. Chappell was indicted by a federal grand jury on Mar. 3.

The cases are being brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse. Blade and Chappell each face up to 10 years in federal prison. Sentencing dates have not been set.

Gallery Main Street Opens Family Exhibit

City of TylerTYLER — Artistic interpretations of family will be on display as Gallery Main Street opens its “Family” art exhibit with a reception from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursday at 110 W. Erwin. The reception, which is open to the public, will feature art, live music and refreshments. There is no cost to attend. More than 60 entries were considered for inclusion in the show, said Beverly Abell, director of the City of Tyler’s Main Street Department. Eighteen pieces were eventually selected for the exhibit. Abell explained that all exhibits and pieces of art in the gallery are selected via a jury process. The jury is composed of artists and arts instructors. Oil, acrylic, photography, watercolor and mixed media are all represented in the exhibit. Participating artists range in age from their 20s to their 80s. “We take pride in the wide variety of media and artists who participate in Gallery Main Street,” Abell said.

“Family” will be on exhibit through July 31. The next exhibit, “The Uncommon Image: an Exhibition of the Abstract and the Non-Objective,” is set for Aug. 5 through Sept. 10. Go to http://www.downtowntylerarts.com for prospectus for all exhibits. Gallery Main Street is a project of the City of Tyler Main Street Program and the volunteers of the Downtown Tyler Arts Coalition. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Those who want more information should go to http://www.downtowntylerarts.com or call Gallery Main Street at (903) 593-6905.

Red Cross Recognizes Volunteers

TYLER — The Smith County Red Cross honors volunteers and donors at its annual meeting. A record setting year according to executive director, Tammy Prater, with an unprecedented house fire season and all the effects of the still struggling economy, together with weather disasters like the recent floods. For all that Prater says it’s amazing what Red Cross volunteers do. And that’s why she considers it important to offer up a special night to those who gave them their time and resources. Prater also added that help is always needed and she would love to hear from you if can lend a hand.

Authorities Investigate Lotto Scam

Authorities Investigate Lotto ScamNACOGDOCHES — Nacogdoches Police are trying to track down the culprit behind a mail scam. According to KETK, residents received a notification by mail of winning a shoppers sweepstakes lottery. Enclosed was a letter saying they won with a counterfeit cashiers check from Chase Bank. Police say the winner are then asked to deposit the check and wire the money to a tax agent. The person’s account is then charged thousands of dollars.

Peppy Blount Dies

R.E. "Peppy" BlountLONGVIEW — Funeral services are scheduled Friday for well known Longview attorney R. E. Peppy Blount. He died yesterday morning at his home at the age of 85.

Over the years Blount wore many hats. He played football for the Texas Longhorns on championship Cotton, Sugar, and Orange Bowl teams. He also lettered in basketball and baseball. He was the co-emcee for the East Texas segment of the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon for over three decades and he is the author of four books published by Eakin Press of Austin.

According to his obit at the Rader Funeral Home, in the General Election of 1962 Blount was elected Gregg County Judge on a write-in ballot, the highest elective office ever achieved in the State of Texas by a write-in ballot on voting machines.

Marshall Missing Funds Probe

MARSHALL — An investigation in Harrison County is looking at missing funds belonging to the Marshall Symphony League. So far no charges have been filed and no suspect has been named. But it appears to be a board member. How much is missing has not been disclosed, but officials say the symphony leagues entire operating account has been wiped out. Local as well as state and federal investigators are looking into the misappropriation of the league funds.

Pawn Shop Burglary Suspects Captured

Pawn Shop RobberyLONGVIEW — Longview police say two pawn shop burglars were captured Tuesday morning. At around 12:12 a.m., Longview Officers were dispatched to a business alarm at the Insta Cash Pawn shop at 1200 East Marshall Avenue. Sergeant David Hazel arrived within minutes and located two men with flashlights in the fenced-in area of the pawn shop, just east of the building. Sergeant Hazel saw that the two suspects were carrying chainsaws from a storage container located within the fenced area, and he demanded that the suspects stop.

According to police, both men ran from Sergeant Hazel, but he captured 28-year-old Byron Houston as he tried to escape. Responding officers located a second suspect, 24-year-old Ronald Gray, in the 1100 block of Lake Drive, and he was arrested without further incident. As officers investigated the scene, they found the fence to the outside storage area of Insta Cash Pawn had been cut and the padlock from the storage container had been broken off. Several chainsaws were located lying on the ground outside of the fenced in area, by the cut fence, and they were returned to Insta Cash Pawn. Both Houston and Gray are from Longview. They were booked into the Gregg County Jail for burglary of a building (State jail felony) and evading arrest (Class A misdemeanor).

Man Stabbed during Domestic Argument

LONGVIEW — Longview police have a woman in custody after a man was stabbed during a domestic argument. Just before 6:15 Monday night, Longview officers were dispatched to a family violence call at 304 Avenue D #B. Officers arrived and found Glenn Cary had allegedly been stabbed by his common-law wife, Sonya Dews. Cary told officers that he and Dews had been arguing before she stabbed him and that she had fled prior to the officers arrival. Cary refused transport to the hospital for his injuries, and Dews was found a short time later at West Marshall Avenue and Forest Park Drive. Police say Dews was transported to Good Shepherd Medical Center for non-life threatening, self-inflicted injuries. She was later arrested after being treated by doctors. Dews was booked into the Gregg County Jail and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a 2nd degree felony.

Camp to Stay Involved with City

TYLER — Tyler gains a new City Councilmember — and keeps an active volunteer. Though she lost to Jason Wright in the District 6 runoff Saturday, Kara Camp plans to continue chairing the Board of Adjustments and Tyler’s first neighborhood conservation committee. She adds that the Council race was a great experience, that she learned a lot — and that she cares “about the city even more, if possible, than before I started.” Camp also says she may run for Council again someday. Wright is due to be sworn in at Wednesday’s Council meeting.

No-Refusal DWI Campaign set for 4th of July Holiday

TYLER — Law Enforcement Agencies in Smith County are planning to be out in force during the 4th of July Holiday on the lookout for intoxicated drivers on streets, highways, and area lakes. Officers won’t be taking “NO” for an answer. The No-Refusal initiative will run Friday, July 2 thru Sunday, July 4. A multi-joint effort between the Smith County District Attorney’s Office and police agencies from all over Smith County will participate in the ‘No-Refusal’ D.W.I Campaign.

Upon the arrest of a suspected drunk driver, he or she will be asked if they would submit to blow into a breath-test instrument or take a blood test. If the driver refuses and says “No” to a test, officers will obtain an immediate search warrant signed by an on-call judge to have blood drawn by a certified nurse on staff at the Smith County Jail. The blood will then be analyzed to determine whether the driver’s blood-alcohol concentration is 0.08 or higher, the legal limit for driving in Texas.

In 2009, Law Enforcement Agencies in Smith County arrested 31 drivers for Driving While Intoxicated.