More Half-Mile of History Stones

More Half-Mile of History StonesTYLER — The City of Tyler hosted a ceremony Thursday at Gallery Main Street to unveil two new Half Mile of History stones in Downtown Tyler. The stones are part of the Half-Mile of History heritage trail and honor Governors James S. Hogg and Oran M. Roberts. The information below is from the Handbook of Texas website.

James Stephen Hogg, the first native governor of Texas, spent a significant part of his career in Tyler. Hogg did much as governor to strengthen public respect for law enforcement, defended the Texas claim to Greer County, and championed five major pieces of legislation. The “Hogg Laws” included (1) the law establishing the Railroad Commission; (2) the railroad stock and bond law cutting down on watered stock; (3) the law forcing land corporations to sell off their holdings in 15 years; (4) the Alien Land Law, which checked further grants to foreign corporations in an effort to get the land into the hands of citizen settlers; and (5) the act restricting the amount of indebtedness by bond issues that county and municipal groups could legally undertake.

Oran M. Roberts, was born in Laurens District, South Carolina, on July 9, 1815. In 1878 he was elected governor of Texas on a platform of post-Reconstruction fiscal reform. His two gubernatorial terms were marked by a reduction in state expenditures. During his life, Roberts practiced law in Tyler and brought note to Tyler and the county by serving as governor. He was also part of the powerful “Tyler Gang” composed of Roberts, along with Tyler’s two other governors and other influential individuals. Roberts also served as president of the Texas Secession Convention and Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, and became a noted historian. Though much of his work occurred in Austin, his impact was felt in Tyler and Smith County. A local school, Oran Roberts Junior High (now closed) was named after him. You can go to for more information on Hogg and Roberts.

The stated goal of the Half Mile of History is “to pay tribute to people, places and events that have contributed to the rich history of Tyler and Smith County.” The Half Mile of History is a permanent, outdoor, half-mile loop that surrounds the square in the heart of downtown Tyler. Stone plaques are placed in the sidewalk along the Half Mile of History to commemorate significant people, places or events.

Longview Gets Funds to Restore Depot

LONGVIEW — The historic Longview Junction Train Depot will undergo a major restoration effort thanks to federal funds totaling $2,169,461. In addition to the federal funds, the City of Longview is required to provide $450,000 as a local match. The City of Longview acquired the building from Union Pacific in 2009 and has a 20 year lease on the land.

The project includes the restoration and rehabilitation of the depot. The restored depot will be a part of the Longview Transportation Center. Officials say the center will serve as a central multimodal area for Longview that would include access to Amtrak, Longview Transit, Greyhound, and more. A master plan has been prepared that recommends returning the circa 1940 structure to its original condition with attention given to historical accuracy. The depot building is approximately 9,300 square feet, but only a small portion of the building is currently occupied. The depot currently serves Amtrak passenger services and is a communication site for Union Pacific Railroad. According to officials this project would allow for the full utilization of the building with services that enhance transportation convenience and efficiency while securing its place in history.

LETU Signs Dual Credit Pact

LONGVIEW — LeTourneau University has signed an agreement to partner with Network of International Christian Schools (NICS) and NorthStar Academy to offer online dual enrollment courses to high school students attending the online school. LeTourneau University has been offering online courses since 2001 and online full degree programs since 2005. School officials say online enrollments have more than doubled in the past two years. According to officials, by focusing on Christ-centered learning in quality programs with outstanding faculty and flexible delivery methods, LETU has developed an outstanding record in distance learning.

According to press materials, NorthStar Academy is an accredited, Christ-centered, online school serving students in grades 6-12 who are living in as many as 80 countries around the world. It provides online, teacher-led programs that result in an accredited high school diploma. NorthStar is termed a strategic component of the Network of International Christian Schools (NICS). LETU officials call NICS a growing network of schools that educates tomorrow’s leaders, with 4,500 students worldwide. LeTourneau staffers say NICS is staffed by qualified Christian educators and teaches from a biblical worldview with academic excellence. The staffers add that NICS provides an exchange of rich culture, heritage, and diversity, while providing education and leadership training.

The goal of the agreement is for LeTourneau to offer dual enrollment courses, taught by LETU faculty, to NorthStar high school students beginning January 2011. The agreement also will open pathways for NorthStar students to further their education at LETU through online, hybrid or on-campus degree options. You can visit for more information on NorthStar.

Pot Plane Pilot Arrested

CADDO MILLS — The man who was alleged to have abandoned a plane at the Caddo Mills Municipal Airport last week, after dropping bundles of marijuana in the Neylandville area, has been taken into custody. Darin Fayne was arrested near his home in California early Wednesday morning. According to KETK, five duffel bags believed connected to a plane abandoned early on the morning of July 19 at the Caddo Mills Municipal Airport have been recovered.

Big Bond Election Possible in Jacksonville

Big Bond Election Possible in Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE — The Jacksonville school board is deciding in August whether or not to call a nearly $50 million bond election. If the bond goes on the ballot and gets passed, several schools will be restored and rebuilt. School board President James Houser says the district has outgrown their facilities in Jacksonville. He says there is absolutely no more room, and it’s time to expand facilities. According to KETK, if the bond passes, the money will add up in several areas. The school district says they’ll build two new elementary schools, renovate Fred Douglas Elementary with a new cafeteria and classrooms, and give Jacksonville High School a new band room and closed-in corridors.

Houser says, “Right now is an excellent time to sell bonds. The administration did just go out and get applications for some funds.” However, some may come from local pockets. “We’ll calculate how much each homeowner would have to give during the bond period, then give the public some examples of how much their taxes would increase,” Houser says.

Ordinance Passed to Combat Hydrilla

LAKE TYLER — The City of Tyler passed a new ordinance to help with the hydrilla problem. According to KETK, city officials say hydrilla keeps reappearing on Lake Tyler. They say it’s not a major problem, but since it grows so fast, they make periodic treatments to keep it under control. The City of Tyler passed an agreement Wednesday with Aquatic Management Services to treat the hydrilla in the lake. City staffers say the product is safe.

Firefighter Shocked While Battling Blaze

FirefighterJACKSONVILLE — A Jacksonville firefighter got an electric shock Tuesday night while working an apparent structure fire. Fire Marshal Dennis Tate says it happened at a house on Fort Worth Street. He says an electrical meter on the outside of the house had water in it and when the fireman cut through wood, he struck a wire and was shocked. According to KETK, he was taken to a local hospital, treated and released.

Firefighters Gear Up for Combat Challenge

TYLER — Tyler’s firefighters are getting prepared for the 2010 Brookshire’s Firefighter Combat Challenge. The Challenge will be held from 4-10pm on Friday, September 24th, and 10am to 2pm on Saturday, September 25th, at Broadway Square Mall. Admission is free, and organizers say the public is encouraged to come and watch. Two local firefighter teams will be competing in the Challenge. Names of the first team are Jeff Hudgens, Jay McClung, Jeremy Driver, Brian Boyd, and Cody Fisher. Names of the second team are Terry Hawkins, Brandon Davis, Jeff Barnett, Brent Hail, and Glynn Ray.

“The Challenge is an opportunity for Tyler’s firefighters to compete against stations across the country in events that demonstrate the nature of firefighting and the incredible level of fitness required to perform the job,” said Tyler Fire Chief Neal Franklin. The Challenge simulates five tasks from the structural firefighter activities. The tasks include:
• the high hose carry
• the hose hoist
• forcible entry
• hose advance
• victim rescue

While competing in the tasks, firefighters must wear full turnout gear, including structural helmet, coat and pants with liners, gloves and boots. In addition, they are hooked up to Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). “Many of the firefighters who compete in the Challenge can perform the five tasks in less than two minutes”, said Chief Franklin. “Some can actually perform the Challenge in less than 90 seconds.” Organizers say sponsors and volunteers for the 2010 Combat Challenge are still needed. For more information, you can contact Jeff Hudgens at the Tyler Fire Department at 903-245-3118.

City Honored for Budget Presentation

TYLER — The City of Tyler has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its fiscal year 2009-2010 budget document. Tyler was one of 1,214 entities in North America that received the award.
“This award is a significant achievement reflecting the commitment of the City of Tyler to meet the highest principles of governmental budgeting,” said City of Tyler Chief Financial Officer Daniel Crawford. The award was granted by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) and was presented to the City during the Wednesday, July 28, City Council meeting.

Officials say an impartial panel judged the City of Tyler’s current budget document and found that it met the standards of the awards program. The City of Tyler had to meet nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation to be considered for this award. These guidelines are designed to assess how well the City’s budget serves as:
· A policy document;
· A financial plan;
· An operational guide;
· A communication device.

As per the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award guidelines, the City of Tyler’s budget document was rated “proficient” in all four categories. The City has also received this award for its fiscal year 2006-2007, fiscal year 2007-2008 and fiscal year 2008-2009 budget documents. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving over 17,600 government finance professionals throughout North America. The Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting.

Some Budget Relief for Kilgore

KILGORE — The city of Kilgore is feeling a bit of relief as it prepares for its 2011 budget. According to KETK, early numbers from Gregg County officials projected double digit decreases in property taxes for the city. So the city held workshops over the past few weeks to decide what cuts to make to each department. But new numbers show the decrease in property taxes is not as bad as first thought. City officials say they expect their budget to be about the same as it was for 2010.

Downtown Reconstruction Begins

Downtown Reconstruction BeginsTYLER — A portion of downtown Tyler is finally getting a face-lift. Renovation of the three fire gutted buildings on Spring Avenue started Tuesday. According to KETK, crews are installing wall stabilizers to preserve the buildings facades then tearing down the most damaged parts. The buildings have been fenced off since a fire more than a year ago.

Alcohol Option on Ballot

Alcohol Option on BallotSMITH COUNTY — August 24th is the deadline for getting anything on the November ballot in Smith County. On Tuesday, Smith County Commissioners approved a local option election in J.P. Precinct 4, which means come November, voters will decide whether or not areas in Smith County will go wet. If passed it will allow alcohol sales of beer and wine in stores for off-site consumption.

Commissioners Push Jail Plans for Ballot

TYLER — Smith County Commissioners met Tuesday to discuss more ways on how to balance the budget. Smith County is expecting to cut at least 5 million dollars from its 2011 budget. Friday Smith County Judge Joel Baker will propose the new budget plan to the court to look over. The commissioners will review current county tax rates August 2nd. Commissioner Warr says the sooner the jail plans to expand get on the ballot the better. According to KETK, Commissioners Phillips and Hampton say there are other options to make cuts along with the possibility of raising taxes.

Anderson County Shooting Probe

FRANKSTON – Anderson County authorities continue their search for a suspect involved in a weekend shooting. It happened early Sunday morning on County Road 312, southwest of Frankston. Derek Blake Cole, 45, of Frankston, was shot once in the left hip. He has undergone surgery at Tyler’s East Texas Medical Center. The shooting is thought to have occurred following a dispute over the sale of some livestock. Authorities say they are looking for a known suspect in the case.

Local Chef Wins Honors

EDOM – The Executive Chef of the Edom Bakery and Grill, Jackson York, is the recipient of the Texas Chef Association’s 2010 Texas Chef of the Year. York received the gold medal award and trophy at the TCA’s annual convention in Beaumont.

Each of the 15 chapters of the TCA nominates one of their members as a candidate for Chef of the year. Chef Jackson, having served as the East Texas chapter’s president, was its nominee. Of all 2010 nominations, only 3 chefs met the rigorous standards set by the Texas Culinary Federation for the finalists. York was deemed most deserving under the criteria established for finalists, which included not only culinary expertise but extraordinary community involvement.

The owners of “The Bakery,” Bud and Annie Berry, were ecstatic on receiving the news of their long time friend’s recognition. According to Bud, “It shows that nice guys can finish first”. The traveling trophy representing the award is on display at the Bakery in downtown Edom.