AUSTIN — As part of an ongoing effort by the Texas Secretary of State’s Office to inform Texans about their rights as voters, the 2010 VOTEXAS Road Tour will be visiting the East Texas State Fair this Thursday. Visitors can learn more about the voter registration and elections processes and will have an opportunity to explore the newly-designed website. Along with representatives from the Texas Secretary of State’s office, local election officials will be on hand to answer questions.
According to state officials, the 22-stop VOTEXAS Road Tour is partnering with local election officials throughout the state to inform Texans about the “when, where and how” of voting to make sure that lack of information is never a reason that one does not register to vote or cast a ballot. The VOTEXAS booth will be at the fair from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday. It will be located outdoors, and officials say some tall banners should make it easy to spot.