Volunteers Save County $74,000 in 2010
Posted/updated on: January 17, 2011 at 9:31 am
TYLER — A group of volunteers saved Smith County taxpayers just over $74,000 in unpaid labor hours in 2010. That’s the word from Smith County Volunteer Coordinator Alicia Armstrong. The group of 27 volunteers provides a variety of services for various departments, including converting paper records to electronic files, clerical work, staff support, and archiving for the sheriff’s department, Commissioners Court, justice of the peace offices, and many more.
In the month of December alone, according to officials, Smith County volunteers logged a total of 321 hours at a value of $6,692 to the county. Since the volunteer program began in 2009, volunteers have put in more than 4,700 hours at an estimated value of $99,000 to the county. The oldest member of the volunteer group, 95-year-old George Mason, leads the volunteers in work hours logged, with just over 600 at the end of 2010.
Smith County is currently searching for volunteers interested in working at the Constable/Justice of the Peace Office, Pct. 4 in Winona. For more information on how to volunteer for this position or any volunteer service for Smith County, you can contact Armstrong at 903-590-2786.