Longview Encourages Recycling of Christmas Trees
Posted/updated on: December 27, 2010 at 4:28 pm
LONGVIEW — Rather than send trees to the landfill after the holiday, the City of Longview encourages residents to give their real Christmas trees new purpose as compost or fish habitats. Residents may drop off their Christmas tree at three locations from starting today and running through Friday, January 14. The drop-off locations are McWhorter Park, 1000 Toler Rd.; Stamper Park, 400 Fair St.; or the Compost Site, 280 Hearne Rd., during open hours. Christmas trees left for curbside pickup will not be recycled. When dropping off trees for recycling, residents are asked to remove all decorations from trees. Flocked trees will not be accepted.
According to Recycling Coordinator Dave Wimberly, “Each year, hundreds of trees are recycled in Longview, but we know that figure could be much higher. Whether it is a Christmas tree, a cardboard box, or a newspaper, it is a good thing whenever items are diverted from the landfill. Especially during the holidays, we encourage everyone to take a moment to separate your trash from the holidays into garbage and recycling.”
As a reminder, throughout the year Longview residents may drop off yard waste at the City’s Compost Site. Acceptable items include limbs, brush, leaves, grass clippings, and pine straw. The mulch and compost that is produced at the Compost Site is available at no charge to City of Longview residential solid waste customers with proof of residency such as a Driver’s License or water bill. Compost Site regular hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The Compost Site will be closed for the New Year’s holiday on January 1. You can contact 903-237-1250 for more information about Longview’s recycling programs.