Dad Arrested for Child’s Injury
Posted/updated on: December 22, 2010 at 2:15 am
TYLER — Smith County officials say a 2-month-old child’s father has been arrested after the baby suffered a skull fracture. The child remains in critical condition at Children’s Hospital in Dallas. The child was originally transported to a local hospital, but was later moved to Dallas. The father of the child says he found his 12-month-old jumping on the two month old. When he went to remove the two month old, he dropped the baby. The dad later admitted to officers he was under the influence of alcohol when he hit the youngster out of frustration. Saul Lino-Porcayo, 23, was charged with injury to a child and placed in the Smith County Jail in lieu of a $500,000 bond. Authorities say the father has a history of assault and was jailed in 2005.