Judge Baker Honored for Education Efforts
Posted/updated on: December 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
TYLER — Smith County Judge Joel Baker has been honored by the Texas Judicial Academy for going the extra mile to prepare for his duties as County Judge. Judge Baker was inducted as a Fellow in the Texas Judicial Academy at a reception in Austin, during the 2010 Fall Judicial Education Session.
The Academy, a partnership between the Texas Tech University School of Law and the Texas Association of Counties, names as Fellows each year those judges who attain significant judicial education above that required by state law. The educational program of the Texas Judicial Academy is overseen by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and includes instruction by higher court judges, law school faculty as well as representatives of the Texas Probate College and the National Judicial College.
In the picture, Wichita County Judge Woodrow Gossom, on the right, presents Smith County Judge Joel Baker with his 2010 Fellowship certificate.