TISD Response to Comptroller’s Report
Posted/updated on: December 10, 2010 at 2:32 amTYLER — The state comptroller’s office has issued a report on how well school districts are using funds to produce high academic performance. Tyler’s rating was unfavorable. The report, issued yesterday, said Tyler was showing little academic progress relative to its spending. According to the state comptroller’s website, scoring from one to five stars, the highest number “reflects the strongest relative progress combined with the lowest relative spending.” The Tyler school district rated only two stars.
TISD officials said the study is intended as an effort to help school districts identify areas of efficiency in operations. According to the district statement, “While we have not had an opportunity to closely study the results, we are thankful that the state is attempting to provide us with help in this analysis. The results that are published are based on data that is two to three years old; however, we do believe that we will find the section summarizing smart practices for minimizing costs helpful as we continue to work through these difficult financial times. As we further evaluate the findings of this report and details related to the ratings assigned to our district, we hope to collect additional information that will help us attain our ultimate goals of academic excellence and operational efficiency.”