East Texas Food Bank statement on federal budget cuts
Posted/updated on: March 29, 2025 at 3:50 amTYLER – The CEO of the East Texas Food Bank has issued a statement on federal budget cuts and the impact it will have on local services…
“The East Texas Food Bank has been notified that several truckloads of previously expected food from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will not be delivered. This food equates to 360,000 pounds valued at $750,000. In addition, the Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program or LFPA of the East Texas Food Bank will incur a loss of 756,000 pounds of produce valued at $121,000. This program helps to purchase food produced in the state to support local and regional producers. If funding continues to be cut, this could severely restrict our ability to meet current demand. In fiscal year 2024, the East Texas Food Bank provided 31 million meals. This year we are on track to serve over 33 million meals this fiscal year. Currently 1 in 6 East Texas adults including 1 in 4 children are food insecure. Please advocate for ETFB by calling your local Congressional leaders, signing up for a volunteer shift or consider a donation to fund our operations.”
David Emerson
CEO of the East Texas Food Bank