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Greg Abbott stumps for school vouchers at Temple Christian School

Posted/updated on: March 10, 2025 at 7:50 am

FORT WORTH – The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that speaking Thursday evening at a Fort Worth private school, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott made the case for school vouchers ā€” again: That parents, not the government, are best equipped to decide what type of education is best for their children. Although Abbott has struggled to get a voucher proposal through the Texas Legislature in years past, he sounded confident that a bill will reach his desk this year. Abbott was in Fort Worth Thursday to rally supporters of education savings accounts, a school voucher-like program that gives families public money to pay for private school tuition or homeschooling expenses. The governor spoke at a Parent Empowerment Night at Temple Christian School.

During the event, Abbott acknowledged that the proposal has passed the Texas Senate in ā€œsession after session after session,ā€ only to fail when it reached the House. But the current session is likely to bring different results. Currently, 77 representatives are signed on as authors on the Houseā€™s education savings account bill ā€” one more vote than the bill needs to get through the chamber. Abbott, however, encouraged families not to assume the bill is already across the finish line. Pointing to a row of Republican lawmakers in the audience, he encouraged parents to call their senatorsā€™ and representativesā€™ offices to voice their support for school vouchers. Abbott insisted that the proposal doesnā€™t represent an attack on public schools, saying that the state will have approved record per-student funding and teacher pay by the end of the legislative session. But he also accused public schools across the state of promoting a ā€œwoke, leftist agenda.ā€

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