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Bullard ISD calls school board election for May Third

Posted/updated on: February 28, 2025 at 11:08 pm

Bullard – Bullard ISD calls school board election for May ThirdThe Bullard Independent School District (BISD) Board of Trustees has officially called for a
school board election to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This election will determine the representatives for
Place 6 and Place 7 on the Board, as the current terms for these positions are set to expire. The election was
called at the regular monthly board meeting on February 10, 2025.

Running for the Place 6 position will be Susie Turner Saxion (incumbent), John Turner, and Cody Whitehead.
Gerald Hawkins and Brian K. Hebert will run for the Place 7 position. Cory Zahirniak currently represents the
Place 7 position.
Candidacy packets were available at the Bullard ISD Administrative Offices from January 15, 2025, to February
14, 2025. Trustees serve without pay for overlapping three-year terms and do not represent specific
geographical areas.
All registered voters residing within the Bullard ISD boundaries are eligible to participate in this election.
Because Bullard ISD falls in both Cherokee and Smith Counties, election code allows the district to run
elections through only one county, rather than paying election fees for both counties. All district voters who live
in Cherokee and Smith counties will vote at Smith County voting locations.
Key dates and info to remember:
? April 3, 2025: Last day to register to vote.
? April 22, 2025: First day of early voting by personal appearance and last day to apply for a ballot by
mail (must be received, not postmarked).
? April 29, 2025: Last day of early voting by personal appearance.
? May 3, 2025: Election Day; polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
? All Bullard ISD voters (Cherokee County and Smith County residents) will vote at Smith County voting
Please visit the Smith County website for more information on voter registration, voting locations, and election

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