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School choice bill will move towards Texas Senate

Posted/updated on: January 31, 2025 at 4:34 am

School choice bill will move towards Texas SenateLINDALE – School choice is one step closer to becoming a reality in the State of Texas despite public school officials’ disapproval according to our news partner KETK. The Texas Senate Education Committee is allowing the school voucher legislation to go up for a floor vote in the coming days. The governor has made this a top legislative priority, but some public school officials and lawmakers are fighting back.

Senate Bill 2 would create education savings accounts per student and lawmakers would approve $1 billion to get this program started. It’s money that Lindale ISD superintendent Stan Surratt said could go toward improving public schools instead.

The vote was 9-2 in the State Senate Education Committee with all Republicans voting to advance the school choice bill to a floor vote.

“If vouchers is such a great idea, wouldn’t it pass on its own merit,” Surratt asked.

“On this school choice front, I think we’ll have the best plan and boldest launch in America,” Sen. Brandon Creighton said.

Author of Senate Bill 2, senator Brandon Creighton from Conroe said the education savings accounts or ESA’s would provide families $10,000 a year per student.

The bill would also allow $11,000 for students with disabilities and $2,000 for children who are homeschooled.

“Parents can again spend this money on tuition, instructional materials, higher education courses, trade certificates, assessment costs,” Creighton said.

Under this bill, families with children already attending private schools can also participate.

Surratt believes the money could be better spent.

“It is not a conservative principle. In Texas we are full of conservative people, we don’t like to waste money or give money away without accountability and this program is certainly is going to do that,” Surratt said.

He doesn’t think the number of students who attend Lindale ISD will drop, but worries people in the most rural parts of East Texas could be at a severe disadvantage.

“The travel distance would be so great. It’s just not realistic. Some of these families that may not have the means to pay the extra five or $10,000 with the voucher. That’s not about helping poor inner city schools or students who are failing school, that’s not what it’s about, its about getting money to wealthy families whose children who are already in private schools,” Surratt said.

Governor Greg Abbott promises that public schools will not lose funding. He spoke at Grace Community School in 2023 to push this idea.

“We will be adding billions more dollars to public education including more raises for our teachers,” Abbott said.

Lawmakers remain skeptical saying recent history has shown public schools aren’t getting the level of investment they should be seeing.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said the senate could pass this bill as soon as next Wednesday. Abbott would have to declare it an emergency item during his “State of the State address.”

The bill will have immediate effect if it passes the senate and house with a majority.

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