Tyler approves erosion remediation project for West Mud Creek
Posted/updated on: November 14, 2024 at 11:58 pmTYLER – The City of Tyler is taking action to tackle erosion problems caused by two tributaries of West Mud Creek near the Glenwood Church of Christ. On November 13, the City Council approved a contract for erosion remediation work for $3,388,043 with Baker & Company Construction, LLC. This project aims to stabilize and protect the channel bottom and banks of Tributary A and Tributary A-1, ensuring the safety of public and private properties in the area.
“Just south of Rice Road, two tributaries of West Mud Creek come together. There is currently undermining of the concrete rip rap at the downstream side of the western tributary, Trib A,” said Stormwater and Environmental Compliance Engineer Paul Neuhaus. “The sides of that tributary are highly eroded and threatening the property of the Glenwood Church of Christ. A portion of the church building is adjacent to the floodway, and the majority is very close, putting it at risk of future erosion of the stream bank.”
Additionally, community members on the eastern side of the tributary face risks from ongoing stream bank erosion. Further downstream, the stability of the outfalls from two storm drains has been compromised.
Erosion issues will be addressed through gabion baskets, gabion blankets, turf reinforcement mats, and rock riprap. Failing stormwater outfalls will be replaced and repaired, and better access to inspect and maintain will be implemented.
The project is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025 and be completed by September. It will be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).