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Communities in Schools takes on chronic absenteeism

Posted/updated on: September 4, 2024 at 4:47 am

TEXAS – ABC News reports Communities In Schools, the nation’s leading provider of K-12 school-based integrated student supports with a large Texas presence, launched the “Being Present Matters” public service campaign highlighting the nationwide epidemic of chronic absenteeism.

The campaign features a six-foot-tall paper attendance roll, imprinted with 15 million names – one name to represent every chronically absent student in the U.S. “Being present for our students is more than just showing up—it’s about sending a powerful message that they matter and that we believe in their potential,” said Rey Saldaña, president and CEO, Communities In Schools. “When we show up for them, we empower them to show up for themselves.” Research shows there are many reasons that limit students from regularly attending school, including transportation issues, childcare needs for siblings, housing insecurity, or lack of mental health and anti-bullying supports for students. The powerful public service campaign underscores the importance of individual and school-wide support that can address the wide range of challenges affecting students and families. During the 2022-2023 school year, 99 percent of students enrolled in Communities In Schools programs remained in school through the end of the school year; 97 percent of K-11 students were promoted to the next grade; and 96 percent of seniors graduated or received a GED.

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