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It’s not about either of them.

Posted/updated on: August 22, 2024 at 5:59 pm

(CHICAGO) I have spent this entire week at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and I have heard speech after speech praising Kamala Harris as something akin to the second coming and I have heard speech after speech calling Donald Trump everything but a child of God.

Here’s the truth. Kamala Harris isn’t all that and neither is Donald Trump. Both are human and both are flawed.

I don’t hate Kamala Harris. I’m not in the tank for Donald Trump.

I’m in the tank for the country.

My politics are animated by my desire for the United States to continue to be the “Shining City on a Hill,” as Ronald Reagan so eloquently characterized her in his farewell address to the nation.

I love this country. I cannot know how my life would have played out if I had been born somewhere else. What I know is that the freedom and opportunity that were my birthright for having been born here have allowed me to live a life for which I am more grateful than I can ever express.

When my two daughters are my age, I want them to feel the same way. I want them to have the freedom and the opportunity to pursue their passions just as I have.

I want as many Americans as God in His wisdom will allow – white, black, brown or whatever – to live prosperous, healthy, happy lives. I am a huge fan of that wonderful American invention called the middle class.

I want people all over the world to look at America with awe, a reasonable modicum of envy and, depending on who it is that’s looking, either a healthy respect or a chastening fear.

For these reasons, I am supporting Donald Trump. Not because I like or dislike him personally but because I believe that his governing policies – with which the country has recent experience – are the most likely to bequeath to my daughters the freedom, opportunity, prosperity and happiness that I have enjoyed.

Kamala Harris’s idiotic word salads don’t of themselves disqualify her. What disqualifies her are her well-documented policy beliefs – beliefs that she has been of late at some pains to hide – that have proven to be disastrous in places as far away as the Soviet Union and Venezuela and as near as her home state of California.

My support for Donald Trump isn’t personal nor is it blind. I believe that his presidency was by and large a policy tour de force. But I also believe that he has made very significant and costly political mistakes, and that those mistakes are now getting in the way of what might otherwise be an easy path to victory in November.

With that said, I believe in the American people. Get out of their way and the American people will amaze you. Give them the facts – good or bad – and they’ll make the right choices. I believe that Donald Trump shares that conviction.

But based on what I have heard this week, I’m quite convinced that the ruling class Democrats whose speeches I have suffered don’t share that conviction at all. In fact, I believe that they find the very premise preposterous.

The Democratic Party of 2024 is more top-down, command & control-statist in its governing philosophy than at any time in American history – with the possible exception of the Woodrow Wilson era.

So, the choice isn’t really between a more likable Kamala Harris or a less likable Donald Trump. It’s not about either of them.

It’s about a choice between two governing visions that are more divergent than at any time in my adult life.

My experience as an engaged adult, a business owner, a father and a husband – together with my appreciation for the lessons set forth on the blood-soaked pages of history – has led me to my choice.

When I consider it from that perspective, I find that I couldn’t care less about the persons of Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

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