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Concerns over restricted access at First Monday Trade Days

Posted/updated on: June 20, 2024 at 2:57 pm

CANTON – Concerns over restricted access at First Monday Trade DaysFirst Monday Trade Days vendors and visitors voiced their opinions at Tuesday’s Canton city council meeting. The city owns part of the grounds and the Lewis family has owned the other side since 1979. Vendors and citizens are against a change concerning the vendor entrances and exits on the Lewis side. “It would prevent older vendors from getting to the basics of pavilion one to be able to set their booth and have their restock trailer on Lewis property because you have to cross about a 25 to 30 feet section of city property,” Vendor for 30 years Robert Shumate said. Under this change, the city will put bollards along their property line, not allowing Lewis vendors in through city entrances.

“The record demonstrates that restrictions of the historic back gate to city vendors was made primarily to keep pedestrians safe and decreasing vehicular traffic. As a result the decision primary benefited the public that swarms to the area during trades days,” Canton Mayor Lou Ann Everett said.

Vendors said this change won’t fix the city’s concerns with traffic flow, but instead will cause more of a safety issue.

“There is concerns for EMS and fire departments for EMTs to arrive to address these health issues that need to be answered in a very fast period,” Tami Ratterree, a vendor said.

Many believe this decision could be detrimental to vendors, visitors and businesses that have relied and flourished at trade days for decades.

“What they’re trying to do could destroy first Monday that has been here 150 years,” Lori Anderson, a vendor said.

Everett said this decision has already been made, now the city and vendors wonder when the bollards will be put in.

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