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UT Tyler professor selected as a Piper Professor

Posted/updated on: June 11, 2024 at 3:50 pm

TYLER – UT Tyler professor selected as a Piper ProfessorDr. Harrison Ndetan, distinguished teaching professor at The
University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine, has been selected as a Piper Professor by the
Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation. Ndetan is the second faculty member to be selected for this
recognition in UT Tyler history.

Every year, the foundation selects 10 faculty members across Texas who have demonstrated a
dedication to effective teaching and scholarly excellence.
The Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation is a non-profit, charitable corporation focused on supporting
postsecondary education through contributing to the education of students, assisting Texas
residents in completing their degree and supporting other nonprofits. The Piper Professor program
began in 1958 to recognize outstanding professors from colleges and universities.
β€œI am profoundly grateful for this recognition and humbled to join the distinguished ranks of the
Piper Professor program,” said Ndetan. β€œIt is a privilege to work alongside such talented colleagues
and within such an outstanding educational community here at UT Tyler. I remain committed to
advancing our mission and promoting excellence in health education, research and service to our
Ndetan was also recently recognized as a Fellow of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, White
Fellowship awardee for Teaching Excellence, Distinguished Teaching Professor and a UT Tyler
Outstanding Leadership awardee. He leads the Northeast Texas Health Status Collective Impact
Initiative, the Henderson County Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Consortium, and the Anderson
and Cherokee Counties Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Consortium.
The only other Piper Professor from UT Tyler is Dr. Neil Gray (2007), dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences and professor of chemistry.

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