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Mayor Warren proclaims Friday Mike Tucker Day

Posted/updated on: June 3, 2024 at 3:15 pm

Mayor Warren proclaims Friday Mike Tucker DayTYLER – For almost fifty years Mike Tucker and The Caldwell Zoo have grown up together. Mike started working for the zoo when he was in high school. And, Friday May 31, he retired on his own terms.

In his forty-eight years at Caldwell Zoo, Tucker has worked in every part of the zoo’s operation. He has been an animal keeper, curator and head of Guest Services. When he started, Caldwell Zoo had 7 total employees. Now, that number is at over ninety. Many of these employees Mike has hired and trained. “Really, I’ve only had one job my whole life,” he reflects. “I really did grow up with the Zoo. We’ve been through a lot together.”

In Tyler Mayor Don Warren’s proclamation, “As Mike retires, we celebrate his incredible journey and dedication to our beloved zoo. Although he will miss the responsibilities and details, he’s looking forward to spending quality time with his family and returning to some old hobbies. He is excited to travel with his wife and do a little more fly fishing. Join us in honoring Mike’s massive commitment to every part of the Zoo. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement, Mike! We will surely miss you.”

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