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Precinct 1 Commissioner Republican Primary headed to recount

Posted/updated on: March 23, 2024 at 2:12 am

Precinct 1 Commissioner Republican Primary headed to recountSMITH COUNTY — The Republican Primary for the Smith County Precinct 1 Commissioner is officially heading for a recount after the race came down to only 101 votes. According to our news partner KETK, Pam Frederick, the incumbent, has petitioned for the manual recount since the 101 vote difference is less than the 10% of the total vote legally required for a recount. According to a notice from the Smith County Republican Party, only the votes for Commissioner Precinct 1 will be recounted. Smith County election results show that challenger Christina Drewry is currently ahead with 4,636, beating Fredrick’s 4,535 votes by 101 votes. The only people allowed to be there for the recount will be the recount chair, recount members, candidates, up to two watchers per recount team, the custodian of the voted ballots, the recount supervisor and state or federal inspectors.

The only people allowed to be there for the recount will be the recount chair, recount members, candidates, up to two watchers per recount team, the custodian of the voted ballots, the recount supervisor and state or federal inspectors. According to the Smith County Republican Party, no recording devices are allowed to be inside the recount room or within 30 feet of the room unless they’re powered off.

The recount will be held at the Cotton Belt Building in room 257 on Tuesday, March 26 at 9 a.m.

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