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Pedestrian deaths make up 20% of Texas traffic fatalities

Posted/updated on: October 12, 2022 at 2:19 pm

Pedestrian deaths make up 20% of Texas traffic fatalitiesTYLER — To help reduce fatalities in East Texas, TxDOT launched a program called “Be Safe, Drive Smart.” According to our news partner KETK, “Walking billboards” were on the UT Tyler and Tyler Junior College campuses to spread the word about driver and pedestrian safety. The walking billboards wore human-sized signs on their backs with reminders of road safety. Road fatalities are not just a big city issue, small and medium size markets are not immune. Jaywalking is illegal and dangerous, a ticket can be issued if someone is caught. According to TxDOT, the winter and fall months are the most dangerous time of the year on the roads because of low visibility. “Use reflective clothing, carry a flashlight, something like that so motorists are aware that you are out there,” said TxDOT Public Information Officer, Jeff Williford.

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