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Commissioners court votes to move Smith County courthouse decision to ballot

Posted/updated on: August 11, 2022 at 6:30 am

Commissioners court votes to move Smith County courthouse decision to ballotTYLER – The Smith County Commissioners court voted Tuesday to approve putting the county courthouse bond proposal on the Nov. 8 ballot. Smith County voters will now be tasked with voting on the proposal which, if voted into effect, would begin construction on a new county courthouse and parking structure. Members of the community spoke on the proposal before the vote, largely in favor of building a new courthouse. While no one said they were in favor of a rise in taxes, one woman said it was a necessary evil. Commissioner 3 Terry Lee Phillips who has the only opposing vote on the commission, said that in his opinion, now was not the time for the bond proposal due to growing inflation across the country. The proposed courthouse focuses on adding safety precautions the current structure cannot support, and the addition of a 300-car parking garage. The plan comes to the ballot after over 20 years of continuous assessment and planning.

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