PROLOGUE: The Articles of Confederation
The American colonists, with their recent experience of an overbearing British central authority, were deeply
suspicious concentrating too much power into the hands of a central government. As a result, their first attempt
at a constituting document, the Articles of Confederation, proved unsatisfactory at meeting the needs of the new
nation that was forming.
Other sections of KTBB Constitution Minute:
Section 1: Constitutional Covention || Section 2:
|| Section 3: Creating the Bill of Rights || Section 4: The
Ammendments || Section 5: The Courts and the Landmark Decisions ||
Section 6: The Present Day || Section 7: The Founding
Episode 126: The Articles of Confederation
The American founders, having suffered the tyranny of an overbearing British Crown, were not fans of strong, centralized government. They therefore drafted the first organizing document of the United States in such a way as to severely limit the power of the central government. But that limited power proved unworkable, and led inevitably to the need for a better solution. Listen to Episode 126